The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Goat meal is more manly than oat meal, consists of raw goat bollocks and Manowar vinyl and is all in all rather gnarly.
Got retarded last night, went to a bar with some friends, and made the most hilariously awkward move on a girl ever. One of my friends said he almost interjected himself between us and led me away. A picture of that moment would have been worth framing, hahaha
Tbh last night I said "look I know you probably don't like me, but I actually had to say you're really gorgeous" to some girl. She immediately walked away. Later I was talking to my friends and mentioned I'd annoyed a girl, and they said, well that's nothing new and I said yeah it wouldn't be friday night if I hadn't. Then I said "I'm a dumbass sometimes" and the girl, who was stood behind us laughed and agreed.

That girl sounds like an idiot. Just walking away when someone is talking to you is rude, and especially so if someone says such nice things to you. You should have run after her and smashed a bottle in the back of her head.
Today has been interesting...

I first stopped at the Volkswagen dealership to pick up some engine coolant. I went to the mall after that to get some new shoes because mine are finally falling apart. I found a really awesome pair of Element skate shoes at Journey's on sale (everytime I go in that store I buy a pair of shoes from the same guy who looks like a member of Avenged Sevenfold without fail, real nice guy though), all black with white Element logo. Very simple and clean, just how I like it.

After leaving the mall I headed over to Michael's to buy some paint supplies for a painting I envisioned the other day. For some reason I felt really motivated to do something artsy and I've always liked paintings but haven't really attempted one aside from art class in 9th grade. It's going to be a surprise for Ashley, that is assuming it doesn't suck too bad.

After I was finished in Michael's my brother wanted to check Hobby Lobby for some airbrushing supplies for the cars he works on. But before we made it inside I was forced to buy some Girl Scout cookies. We ended up not getting anything at Hobby Lobby and headed home.

So right now I'm sketching my idea out so that I have a clear idea of what I want to paint.

If you think about it, I had a really gay day today. I went shopping at the mall and bought some shoes, went to the craft store for some art supplies, and topped it off with some Girl Scout cookies. Oh god, what have I become?!
Went to a house show with crusty punkish bands (and Mata Mata!). It was pretty fun, and afterward there was a bonfire type thing (well, a couch on fire...) and the cops/fire department ended up coming, but given that there was a lot of alcohol, and a lot of underage people, we all went inside, locked the doors, turned off the lights etc. After about 20-30 minutes the cops finally left. Weird experience :lol: Oh and I met a pretty cool chick and talked to her for like an hour or so, and she ended up asking for my number and stuff too, hah.
Yeah it was. Got this really cool picture of a dude jumping over the fire too:
