The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

One of my shrimps just died, right after one of my fishes ate all its children yesterday it got stuck in the aquarium air pump today and passed away. Man, I feel fucking bad for that little awsome creature...
I've been thinking about how awful Krig's logo is for his band.

In retaliation for having to view that travesty, I am thinking about making a mock album and logo as revenge. With a new band name:
Krigloch the Furious' Swords of Vengeance
The album title will be: Et tu Flatulent Paladin?
Feeling a bit like The Greys lately but from swirling chaos, binge eating and insane depressive-manic-depressive mood swinging cycles/medication changes is coming clarity. Or maybe I'm just happy it's Friday. Either way, TGIF and having drunk a few mugs of strong coffee I feel like I can handle life today.
I read this without the "brand new!" and thought it was a sex doll that was ten years old. Mildly horrifying.

....What if it's a sex doll that is the replica of a ten year old

Are you people not understanding the joke?
First, you read the sentence "just got a great deal on a 10 year old sex doll"
You think it's a sex doll that's 10 years old. Gross, I guess, but w/e.
Then you read "brand new!"
And then it hits you that the sex doll is of a 10 year old girl
And it's funny because pedophilia is fucking hilarious, as mort demonstrates.
I'm gonna take a shower and perhaps shave my balls. Girl is in Austria with horse-chick and her man. Amazing (not).