The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Thanks, but also feel for the 3 women in the small truck. I overheard yesterday his head hit the windshield. I can only imagine what horror they have to go through for the rest of their lives.
Hey Krampus, you okay? Just heard there was a big 7.2 earthquake in Japan.

No immediate response...

She's dead.

He's awesome for a week or two but after a certain point it becomes pretty repetitive.

Paddy is still awesome all the time. Drinking cold ones, battering Johnny Fortunes, throwing shapes at the metal disco with a big fuck off cigar, and everything else he does is awesome. Don’t you forget it, Bruv.
I made a Johnny Fortunes troll account once, and trash talked Paddy with it. It was awesome. Then I got banned :(
I recieved a call this morning from my mother informing me that my father, who I have not really had much contact with beyond a phone call once a year around Christmas, passed away yesterday. Apparently, he had esphogeal cancer and it was not diagnosed until the quite late, thus, not much could have been done. He hadn't told anyone until a few days ago and I didn't find out till this morning.

My parents divorced when I was 4 and my father was never a large part of my life. I feel quite placid about this, but there is an underlying sense of frustration that I wasn't able to at least talk to him one more time before passing.

Think I'll go buy some nice Scotch and take the rest of the week off.
wow, that really sucks, man. I can't really imagine what it's like, since I've lived with my dad my whole life, Sorry, man.
I'm sorry for your loss der morgerstern. My family is also dealing with a sudden death and I know how hard it is to say goodbye to someone when you didn't get the opportunity to spend his/her final hours by their side.

I have the same situation with my father (haven't talked to him in awhile) and I feel now no matter what legal issues him and my mother have between them I have to go visit him this spring break week.