The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Tokens <3

Never went to a club in my life. Not into going and making a fool of myself dancing, drinking, and/or attempting to pick up some bar skank. I like quiet girls that dont go somewhere with the goal of being penetrated and would rather drink at home where I wont do anything too stupid in public. :erk:

This. Exactly.
Scion Rock Fest was great. I didn't have a photopass but they still let me take in my camera. Saw tons of bands, and then after it all, we went to the hotel where the bands where staying at n stuff. Don from Agalloch invited us to hang out at a table in the bar so we sat with him, Haughm and Jason and a friend of theres and talked about all sorts of stuff. Then in the lobby of the hotel there were a bunch of people hanging out and John Gossard brought down his boombox and was blasting music with it, and the security didn't mind or anything.

After that, a friend of ours, the sound/guitar tech for Morbid Angel invited us to his room and we hung out and talked with Trevor from Obituary and Thor/Destructhor from Morbid Angel (and Zyklon, of course).

Interview with Chris from Woe went really well too, and I'll just be interviewing Gossard over email, but it was still cool talking to him for awhile.

Also met Kafka and Mort :kickass:
The circumstances have been dire. I don't know for sure, but he probably killed himself. He was a fun, loving person but had been plagued by personal troubles. His father died at 46 when he was 18 from complications related to alcoholism. Over the decades he too succumbed to the disease. His mother had also been very cruel to him in a number of ways and he grew to hate her. The last couple of weeks he had also I believe been taking anti-depressants. Then today in a service in memory of him while a relative was up on the podium my cousin from San Antonio spoke up that he had a conversation with my him 1-2 years ago and he told us that my deceased cousin imagined or believed that he aswell was going to die the same age his father died, 46. He died at 46. He also died the day of his brother's birthday. He also attented our family's church service the night he died, which he had been attending for 3 months prior to his death, and they couldn't find the particular song entitled Hallelujah he wanted to sing. Today at his service was played that song in memory of him.

I was the last person to talk to him minutes before he jumped the median on the highway into oncoming traffic. I talked to him at 12:03am and I heard today he was hit around 12:20am. He answered the phone and was extremely intoxicated, cursing, but asking me to pick him up. I asked where he was, but he gave a reply of both to drunk to know where he was but also stubborn and determined to continue with his final decision. His brother's daughter also talked to him 30 minutes before me and, even with all the love he has for her, refused to tell her where he was. She told me she also heard dogs barking in the background

There are still soo many questions, and I'm not sure whether this was suicide or a intoxicated man frustrated with life wandering aimlessly through the night.