The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Totally blanked on St. Patrick's Day, whoops.

I love needles, never had a spinal tap or epidural or anything that major but I like getting poked and pierced and having blood taken.

I nearly fainted in the bath earlier. My BP is a little low but not alarmingly so, 95/70.
I remember I almost blacked out during my national service during training at the fire fighting academy. My officers thought I was fucking around and just didn't want to do the training but when I got sent to the medical officer my blood pressure taken was way too low. I still to this day have no idea why because I'm considerably healthy and always have been.
Freak accidents happen! Good job not dying.

I just choked on tea really badly. I am going to die alone quietly at home and no one will know.
Wearing the green. Soon the drinking starts. I could really use a good all-day-drunk, haven't done it in forever.
I just got home from work to check on the NCAA tournament games. My bracket is getting raped so far. The only game I have gotten right is the Temple game, and I had Louisville going to the sweet sixteen. I don't think I will be winning any office pools or online challenges this year. :bah:
Counting I've had a spinal tap, I'd probably just accept it.

Get over your stupid needle fears people.
(Unless those needles are injecting baby spiders into your veins. If that is the case then by all means feel fearful.)

Holy shit. I had a spinal tap once and it was the most painful thing I've ever endured. Not counting the fact that they didn't actually get any fluid, and it lasted twice as long as normal.
Totally blanked on St. Patrick's Day, whoops.

I love needles, never had a spinal tap or epidural or anything that major but I like getting poked and pierced and having blood taken.

I nearly fainted in the bath earlier. My BP is a little low but not alarmingly so, 95/70.

Busy not being out on st patty's thanks to flaky chinese girls :(
Cabbage farts are SO brutal. I remember once I ate cabbage and then went out for ice cream after and I was farting so much that people were staring at me from other booths.
I'm not scared of needles but I cringe at the thought of injecting powerful drugs straight into me.

Anyways, I just spent a good while finishing an online chemistry test and I got a 96% on it :D. This is very good because my idiotic sophomore self decided to fail chemistry and now i have to do it two years later, this last .5 credit is dependent on me graduating....hopefully I can swing changing it from an F to an A
Fack needles. I'm 22 years old and getting my blood drawn drains every bit of color from my face and leaves me on the brink of passing out. Every time. :lol:
I'm the same way. I loathe needles. I still haven't gotten my blood tests done that I had to have done three months ago. :/