The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Well I only had $200 withheld for the entire year, but I'm getting a lot from the American Opportunity and Lifetime Learning Credits, and also some from the Making Work Pay Credit, and then getting back the $200 that I did pay.
That was probably the sexiest japanese chick i've ever seen.

Most of her guitar playing sucked though. Only a small part of it was good.
That's okay, it's actually kind of cute when women try to play instruments but kinda suck at them. Which is probably a really really misogynist attitude, but whatever.
Well I wasn't judging her ability to play guitar in the typical sense of the word. There's one part from like 1:20 to 1:40 where she's humping it really slowly and it's making these moany noises and it actually *sounds* sexy in addition to looking sexy, which is awesome. Everything else is mostly a bunch of scratchy bullshit noise that doesn't work at all.
eating breakfast and drinking coffee, oatmeal and plain yogurt and choking down grapefruit. listening to Shonen Knife, speaking of Japanese chicks.
metal band practice, still sick so I cant sing or I'll start coughing till it hurts. :(
The riffs sound badass with a bass in there

30 minutes on the exercise bike

now it's time to shower
zabu of nΩd;9744691 said:
I would hope that you have enough self-respect not to compare your music to what that japanese chick was doing.

:lol: I was joking bro. Nah, I have like, external and internal validation and shit.