The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Just got back from the Monument Avenue 10K. Made it the whole way without walking, despite barely having done any running for the past few years.

Current mood:

so it seems that the powermetal band is practicing in my basement.
right now im painting a brown wall white so It will be nice and bright down there.
Also gonna put some posters all over the wall. win!
Got a good sound system with a subwoofer in the 65 ford custom. Time to start pimpin'.
Haha i just tried making a delivery order from my favorite place and they said they couldn't do it because there's a riot in the streets due to the basketball game.
Got some patches for my jacket. DsO, Katharsis, Mysticum, Revenge, Craft, and a pentagram.
Woke up at 11:30 am, leisurely day ahead. Gonna shower when MP is finished with his. Making coffee and blasting metal through the apartment. Gonna try not to drink 2 pots this morning.

Also Grant CONGRATS on that 10k, I've been training off and on for almost a year and I can only run 10k without walking on a really good day!
Also Grant CONGRATS on that 10k, I've been training off and on for almost a year and I can only run 10k without walking on a really good day!
All the fanfare + crowds + cheering bystanders really help a lot with motivation actually, or at least alleviating the boredom of a (in my case) 73 minute run. There were tons of local bands playing on the sides/median of Monument Ave while we ran, plus random shit like people dancing in goofy costumes and groups of 10 year old girls on the curb advertising "free high fives" :lol:

I wasn't starting to really hurt until about 2/3 of the way in, and by then I couldn't stand the idea of walking because I felt I was on a mission and couldn't let myself down.
Just made my lunch for tomorrow - seafood mix with pasta, chicken, spinach and broccoli with a SHITLOAD of dill weed. Goddamn I love dill weed.

73 minutes is a long run. I think the longest I've ever run without stopping was 65 minutes and I thought I deserved an Olympic gold for that one. I guess all the cheering and support and the thought of Mort running past the 10 year olds repeatedly would be good motivators, though.