The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I actually kinda thought he might be dead this time. Am I a bad person for not really caring?

Cramming for finals. God damn I am sick of studying. Have not left this building since Friday. Still haven't gotten enough shit done because I keep internetting. Fucking, that site is evil. EVIL.
He used to be funnier, when he'd post about how he touched some girl's arm and how horny that made him. For several thousand words. Man, those rants always made me feel better about my own sad existence.
I reached a plateau higher than teleport land and 9000! Usually when I go higher than 9000 I come back soon and go back to teleport land which is pretty cool. This is epic. Adele is a fucking amazing musician right now.
Sitting at work spaced out as hell because I didn't sleep enough. I have no classes to teach all day but I have to stay late for the English extracurricular club. Tomorrow is Friday but it seems so far away...
I just handed in a 4000 word essay ten minutes before the deadline. I didn't have time to alphabetically order the references.

Still, I can now sleep when I want to sleep and eat when I want to eat so life has improved with this heavy load off my mind. I'd feel better if I'd done a better job of the essay though. Still it wont count towards what I actually get at the end of the degree so mhm never mind.
Being completely incapable of ceasing to listen to this song. I never heard such a well-done rip-off of a Burzum riff done in electronica.

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That is fucking sick! Look forward to hearing more. How do you create it?

It's all sequenced, I use FL Studio 8 XXL Producer Edition for everything. I built the drumkit from scratch with the samples that sounded best and took a while crafting the guitar sound to be "realistic" and thick but still detached and weird. Glad you like it!

@Mike: Thanks bro!
Thanks dude! Yes, I am. This is my current to-do list.

Lyrics/vocals, master w/ compression, work on structure a little bit, fix bass mix, change or tone down keyboards in chorus a little bit

@Onder: Yeah I like it better than I've liked most of my guitar tones in FL.