The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

There's no confirmation that he did it. He was talking about it on the forums one night and then no one heard from him after that. The assumption is that he killed himself, but maybe he had a nervous breakdown instead or something..
I'm nearly positive he's fine...Kevin reported after DT stopped posting that he was fine. I don't remember people giving him shit...everyone was encouraging him to not give up and get his baby back from his psychotic ex.
He was a cool dude with good opinions on metal. I never found it particularly annoying, it stayed confined to one thread...
ah well.

Who else finds Laura's new av creepy/fucking terrifying?
I'm still used to her old avatar, but yeah agreed that her new avatar looks kinda creepy.

Anyway, I'll be going to a local gig soon to support the local scene. Funnily enough, I'm not a huge fan of the bands playing so it kinda sucks but meh, I'll be knocking back a few cold ones and mingling around.
I will be knocking back a few cold ones and mingling around today too. Girl is angry at me for some reason so I have to go and talk to her or something. Then I'll be drinking somewhere and I'll probably end up being wasted as fuck. Yay! Well hopefully.
Working on a new song (black metal sort of in the vein of Blut Aus Nord with some keyboards during the "chorus" section). No vocals or lyrics yet, and the song isn't finished in terms of structure but I like how it's coming out so far.

edit: here's the whole thing I currently have!

Whoa, that was pretty good. I was expecting to hear some noise. Color me surprised!

Not sure if this is the correct thread, but I start flight school in May. I enrolled yesterday after a meeting I had with the head instructor and a couple other people. Unbeknownst to me, it was a proper interview and I showed up in shorts, Etnies, a black Vans shirt, and a long sleeve grey shirt underneath, and non-shaven as well. :lol: Apparently I wooed them over with my fantabulous answers so it's all good. That or they think I'm some imbecile and figure they just want my caysh.

Planes fuck yea!