The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Spent more time at my guitarist, Gavin's, house than at the gig which was down the road from the venue. We got there when the 3rd band was playing which was really cool because I wanted to check them out. They were more of a post rock act and I was really impressed.

The headlining band of course played last and it was their album launch. I got bored after 3 songs so I went outside to mingle. Saw two girls making out and touching each other, they were both really hot in a hipster sort of way. I chatted to other people about music and some guy complimented me on my The Chasm shirt.

Went back to Gav's house after and just stayed and spoke about our music and what we wanted to do with it. Ended up discussing alot of ideas we wanted to explore in terms of timing, time signatures, sections and melodies. Both my drummer and guitarist were smoking pot while I sat out and just drank beer.

I just got home and it's 4.30am. I should go to bed soon. I had a good time tonight.
I just got home like an hour ago and I don't give a fuck about anything around me so either you give a fuck w/ me or you give a fuck against me dude. Either one. And that's not everything but for tonight it is.
Back from work, browsing the internet for an hour then off to sleep, heading down to Connecticut tomorrow for a few days.
Just found out my ex girlfriend is moving in with the guy she left me Baltimore. To make a career at Walgreens.

I don't wish her harm. But I have no problem with the idea of her scratching out a miserable existence in a squalid apartment in a high-crime neighborhood while her fat boyfriend desperately tries to make it in music despite his mediocre singing voice (he really is fat and a mediocre singer considering he went to school for it).

Ah, karma.
hahaha, forgot about that. We're on friendly terms, though, and I'm not bitter at all. I really don't wish her harm. It just doesn't seem at all wrong to me that her life will suck.

I should go to MDF one of these years...

As for the walgreens assistant manager starts at 45k and a store manager makes 80k and up. It's not hard at all to become an assistant manager and they really do promote talent, so if you're good it is a relatively viable career choice for people for whom a four year college degree is not possible. That said, while she's reasonably bright and all she doesn't at all have the right personality to be a manager there. Further, she comes from a wealthy Asian family, so she must be a colossal fucking embarrassment. But yeah.
Bought an e-cigarette today. Wondering how long it will take for someone to create cartridges that will get you high...
Back from fucking around in downtown Savannah, Georgia. My family ended up crashing in a motel outside the city on our way to Florida around 9 tonight. They all wanted to go straight to bed, and I was like wtf lame, I'm 25 and single and I want to do something on a friday night. So I drove into town and ended up finding a pretty cool area called City Market that has a shitload of bars and people and live music, and they allow people to drink in the streets (something that doesn't happen anywhere in VA as far as I know), so I got a couple beers and roamed around.

Overall it was a pretty brotastic place unfortunately -- lots of jockish white college dudes in collared shirts with backwards baseball caps, and really shallow looking southe'n chicks with a lot of makeup. One group of drunk girls actually broke out with the chorus of "Sweet Home Alabama" and I almost facepalmed.

Didn't really find anyone to talk to other than a waitress and a couple middle aged dudes who were chilling at the bars and told me a little about the town after some smalltalk. They had fucking beer pong tables at one bar, which was awesome and I think more bars need to have. Other than that not much happened -- someone broke a shop window on the street at one point, which was kind of eventful I guess.

Apparently there's another big social/commercial hub by the river that I'll probably check out with the family in the morning. I guess this is a decent town -- not the most interesting of people, but I like the way some things work here.
One of these?

I have one. Funtastic guitar.