The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Yep, one of those but I'm planning to get the one in the high gloss black finish with pearl binding. Other guitarist uses the cherry red one already, so I don't really want to have the same finish on my guitar.

How do the pickups hold up? All my gigging guitars have the EMG 18V mod which I find sounds better than normal.
Goddamn I want to go to the US sometime...for a 6 week tour,hopefully if I score the job i'm after this will come to fruition.

US over Europe huh? There's certainly plenty of fun to be had here, though it seems to me that as a tourist you get far more bang for your buck going to Europe. The cool places in the US can be pretty few and far between depending on what part of the country you're in. The vast majority of civilization here consists of identical shopping centers, franchise stores and ugly roads, as opposed to fancy old buildings and castles and shit.
I dunno,I just have that idea of an '80's style road trip across America,full of cocaine and bitches at the top of my list,Europe will always be there....Miami Vice baby!!
I was drunk yesterday and it was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. Unfortunately, nothing much to do.
Yeah, me and my best mate have a plan for when we turn 35, quit our jobs, buy motorbikes and ride from South America to Canada. Easy Rider style

That's fucking awesome. :D

edit: I just bought the Schecter guitar. Feeling regret now, but in a couple weeks time once I get it modded and set up right with the right gauge strings I'll be happy. Now I just want to sell one of my Jackson guitars lol.
Yep, one of those but I'm planning to get the one in the high gloss black finish with pearl binding. Other guitarist uses the cherry red one already, so I don't really want to have the same finish on my guitar.

How do the pickups hold up? All my gigging guitars have the EMG 18V mod which I find sounds better than normal.

That's fucking awesome. :D

edit: I just bought the Schecter guitar. Feeling regret now, but in a couple weeks time once I get it modded and set up right with the right gauge strings I'll be happy. Now I just want to sell one of my Jackson guitars lol.

I run it through a Peavey 6505+ and I've always been quite happy with the sound, but then again I've never really cared about tone much. I have 52s on it, and I get a nice thick tone. Works for me. But again, I'm pretty much the anti-gearhead, so probably the wrong person to ask.
5150/6505 for the win. Amazing amps for metal.

OK A friend of mine has the 5150 head through a Randall cab. I was playing around on it and couldn't get a good metal tone. All I could get was a hard rock tone. What settings do you use? I need a head and I have the same cab as my friend 280 watts Randall 412XL. Jackson soloist guitar.

I have the 6505+ which is the same amp. Obviously you play on the gain channel. I crank the "pre" volume most of the way up and turn the "post" volume way down so the house doesn't explode. Set the tone knobs how you like it, I do something like B:6 M:5 T:7 but that's playing with a band, playing alone you can scoop the tone a bit more for more metal-ness if you wish.
thousands of metal bands use that amp barebones.
I have no idea what settings it has, but im sure you just gotta mess around with it

well my friend plays in a death metal band so i just plugged in with his settings and it sounded like hard rock. my drummer and i were like "huh?" so we fucked around with it for a while and we couldn't get shit. so finally i just plugged in a line 6 pod and got a better tone. i'd really just like to know what settings people are using to get that metal crunch though.