The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

So my breath woke me up at half past six so good morning bitches. Coffee and some music. Also, I need to start learning so I can pass the anatomy exam next week. Yay.
Here's a new work in progress to keep me busy while I work that other song out. This one is just very repetitive so far but the rhythm and time signature shifts interest me so I kind of like it how it is right now. I'll be adding to it though soon.

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I am extremely fucking bored. I've been browsing reddit, 4chan, and tumblr for about 2 hours looking for funny pictures; not finding many. Keep coming back here with hopes of you guys entertaining me, and all I get is Pessimism's stupid fucking Einstein/Hawking rap battle video. I am so bored I actually watched it twice.
I am extremely fucking bored. I've been browsing reddit, 4chan, and tumblr for about 2 hours looking for funny pictures; not finding many. Keep coming back here with hopes of you guys entertaining me, and all I get is Pessimism's stupid fucking Einstein/Hawking rap battle video. I am so bored I actually watched it twice.

I was bored enough to watch it 23 times.
I was bored enough to watch it 23 times.

Im currently in the shithole known as Edmonton, rehearsing for a Us tour. Ya'll should come see me play, but its with a punk band... any takers? Also, my dad had a kid yesterday, so Im now a big brother. Yay for new life!
Congrats panzerfaust!

I'm shivering and uncomfortable because I'm dumb and got caught in the rain this morning. Thought I could outrun rain clouds since it was sunny when I left home - no such luck, mahhh.
Went to the grocery store to get some shit. Came back into my building listening to my iPod. Got in the elevator with a bunch of people I didn't know, so I left the music on. It was Kataklysm - Let Them Burn. Everyone's talking and smiling and I'm just hearing FUCK 'EM ALL! KILL 'EM ALL! LET THEM BURN! LET THEM BURN!
I am officially the creepy guy you don't want to sit next to.