The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

July or something 2010 for me, not really missing it though esp. considering the person the sex was attached to. Sooooo glad that's over.
It's weird. My wife and I don't want to do it all the time for a million reasons, and it's not negatively effecting our relationship. It used to, mostly on my behalf, because I'm a dude and dudes are horny, but it doesn't bother me so much anymore. Maybe it's because I'm getting old, or maybe I don't want sex with my wife to get boring, I don't know. I still fap in the shower, though.
Yeah, my father is my hero. Because of what he has done, he has inspired me to sink my life and finances into music. I wuv the guy! But yeah, my earliest memories in life were of him in KMFDM and all the kewl stuff that went along with it. But his time with KMFDM ended in the early 2000's when the band imploded, sadly
man, :( i can never hear the word root and think of plants again after watching six seasons worth of Outrageous Fortune in a couple months