The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Right now my mind is fucking swirling, and my perceptions are fucked. Also I tried to make a sandwich and realized there was no butter or mayo. I can't fucking win, I'm gonna crush some skulls.
Greetings from Metalfest Germany. A great first day. Here's who I saw:

Destruction: fucking awesome performance, only downside was only one song off Eternal Devastation
Primordial: don't know why these guys got put on so early, it was still daylight. Average sound quality too. Nemtheanga is an absolute beast of a frontman. Setlist couldn't have been much better: No Grave Deep Enough, Coffin Ships, Gods to the Godless, Bloodied But Unbowed, Empire Falls.
Rage: who the fuck are these guys and why do germans love them more than primordial. Gay.
Alcest: thankfully got put on smaller stage. Amazing show other than a few mike problems. Appreciative crowd. Set: Printemps Emeraude, Les Iris, Ecailles de Lune, Percees de Lumiere, Souvenirs d'un Autre Monde. Bliss.
Cradle of Filth: left after the soundcheck. "The keyboards don't have enough gayness. I want the gayness set to max!"
Evocation: too much jumpdafuckup for my liking but pretty fun show
While Heaven Wept: obviously unknown in germany, only a few people watched. Flawless sound. 'Vessel' was amazing.
Amon Amarth: epic show in front of a massive crowd, complete with pyrotechnics.

Tonight's highlights are Wintersun, Saxon, Sodom and Belphegor
You made it to Metalfest, that's cool... Wanted to go this year in Budapest too (damn the final exams !), I'm really curious about Wintersun...

Saw Amon Amarth last year and yeah, they made a really good show, also Rage are a well known German power metal band, so the reaction of the crowd is to be expected (moreso if they play in their own country).
My hangover could kill two horses. I'm alone to fight it and it's beyond my abilities. There are actually tears in my eyes.
It's an epic fucking fight but I'm not a pussy. I will win. I should probably eat something.
I already drank like two litres of water. I need to get the devil OUT OF MY BODY.
I just ingested about thirteen grams of morning glory seeds. I'm waiting for the effects. Last night I did six and a bit later I heard singing that got louder and louder until I thought about it, but it kept coming back.
Inboxing the girl I like on the facebook... I finally get that feeling again when one's heart starts to race, and I feel ALIVE again. Its a shame she doesn't live here anymore, fml.
im glad i dont live in a place where golf balls rain from the sky

I just ingested about thirteen grams of morning glory seeds. I'm waiting for the effects. Last night I did six and a bit later I heard singing that got louder and louder until I thought about it, but it kept coming back.

hawaiian baby woodrose seeds are much more efficient when it comes to LSA. you need to eat like, four seeds, not thirteen grams of seeds. i ate five and i was tripping like i dropped a couple good tabs no problem.
really really tempted to build a rack set up for a guitar amp.
going with a Digitech GSP1101, a Korg Tuner, a ISP Decimator or a Rocktron Hush, furman power conditioner, and a Carvin power amp.
expensive, but would be pretty badass.
I thought about taking the pre/power amp approach back in '09 but a power amp that can crank out enough watts for a bass pro rig typically costs about as much as a decent hybrid or mosfet amp head, and then when you add a tubetastic preamp and a power conditioner, and a five space rack, and four or five cables as opposed to two, and your pocket book weeps in agony, and those poor third world folks can't work fast enough to keep up with your spending, and the sound guy flips you the bird at every show, and you're on the run from the law and that shit's clattering around in the back of your truck...

It's so much easier to get a dedicated amp head.