The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

So one of my best friends threw this party last night, and it was the best I've been to since burning a couch with the guys in Stonehaven. Bunch of crust punks and tattoo artists, and they were all fantastic fuckin people. Even the token chad talked to me about musical instruments for like 20 minutes. And I'm gonna get a free piercing from this awesome apprentice chick.
I thought about taking the pre/power amp approach back in '09 but a power amp that can crank out enough watts for a bass pro rig typically costs about as much as a decent hybrid or mosfet amp head, and then when you add a tubetastic preamp and a power conditioner, and a five space rack, and four or five cables as opposed to two, and your pocket book weeps in agony, and those poor third world folks can't work fast enough to keep up with your spending, and the sound guy flips you the bird at every show, and you're on the run from the law and that shit's clattering around in the back of your truck...

It's so much easier to get a dedicated amp head.
yeah they are pretty expensive.
The Digitech GSP1101 is $500, ebay has them for $400
but the Carvin poweramp is like 600. I figured I'd use my Ampeg until I got a true rack poweramp.
really really tempted to build a rack set up for a guitar amp.
going with a Digitech GSP1101, a Korg Tuner, a ISP Decimator or a Rocktron Hush, furman power conditioner, and a Carvin power amp.
expensive, but would be pretty badass.

I'm not too familiar with Carvin power amps but there are boatloads of cheap alternatives out there. I'm currently using an ADA microtube 200. It is a solid state but has 2 12AX7s with a presence control to give it some tube flavor. I got mine for $45. For other solid states, check out the Tube Works Mosvalve and Hafler also has a Mosfet Tube amp. Tube Works and Hafler both nailed the mosfet circuitry though Hafler's is a hair better. For tube, check out old Peavey power amps like the 60/60 or 120/120. Peavey is one of the few big name companies that you can get vintage amplifiers from for extremely cheap. They're always changing up models and designs and quite a number of them are gems.

edit: The Hafler power amp was the G300.
I thought about taking the pre/power amp approach back in '09 but a power amp that can crank out enough watts for a bass pro rig typically costs about as much as a decent hybrid or mosfet amp head, and then when you add a tubetastic preamp and a power conditioner, and a five space rack, and four or five cables as opposed to two, and your pocket book weeps in agony, and those poor third world folks can't work fast enough to keep up with your spending, and the sound guy flips you the bird at every show, and you're on the run from the law and that shit's clattering around in the back of your truck...

It's so much easier to get a dedicated amp head.

For a bass player, no question. With guitarists, however, you can build a great sounding rack set up for less than $400.
viewer_from_nihil said:
I'm not too familiar with Carvin power amps but there are boatloads of cheap alternatives out there. I'm currently using an ADA microtube 200. It is a solid state but has 2 12AX7s with a presence control to give it some tube flavor. I got mine for $45. For other solid states, check out the Tube Works Mosvalve and Hafler also has a Mosfet Tube amp. Tube Works and Hafler both nailed the mosfet circuitry though Hafler's is a hair better. For tube, check out old Peavey power amps like the 60/60 or 120/120. Peavey is one of the few big name companies that you can get vintage amplifiers from for extremely cheap. They're always changing up models and designs and quite a number of them are gems.

edit: The Hafler power amp was the G300.
Nice. I'll look into those.
Rocktron also makes a solid state, Velocity 300 or something like that.
My Ampeg is a beast so im gonna use that as my poweramp for now. The Digitech sounds cool as hell though.
Nice. I'll look into those.
Rocktron also makes a solid state, Velocity 300 or something like that.
My Ampeg is a beast so im gonna use that as my poweramp for now. The Digitech sounds cool as hell though.

If I'm correct on this, couldn't you run one of the "channel outs" on the Digitech into the "input" of the Ampeg, then out the "effects out" of the Ampeg, back into the "channel in" Digitech, then out the "output" of the Digitech into the "effects in" on the Ampeg? That way you could utilize the preamp on the Ampeg by setting it to a channel on the Digitech for when you wanted to while also using it as a slave for the Digitech presets. Or is that what you were already planning?
Excuse my lack of MS Paint skills...


Step 1: Ampeg input

Step 2: Preamp output (I haven't used the amp before so I'm not sure how it would work with using both the wet and dry. If it fails, just use the dry.)

Step 3: Power amp input

I suggested this so that you could still use the on board distortion on the Ampeg whenever you wanted to.
Trying to figure out a sentence from a youtube channel.

My Dvd Collection update where i talk about and review the films ive gotten over the past 3 weeks and give my review of them and the reviews of the movies themselves.

He reviews the films and gives his review of them, as well as the reviews of the movies? So basically he reviews the movies two times, and then he proceeds to review his first set of movie reviews. What a retard.
Listening to Sentenced and remembering a certain high school romance. I slept for 14 hours last night and had extremely vivid dreams.