The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Just bought a new phone - finally upgrading from this piece of shit Samsung flip phone. Droid Incredible 2, such a nice phone :D
Hahaha, I went absolutely crazy the last time I was in a Pacsun too. I remember being too fat to fit in the women's clothes when I was 15. Nice hauls!

:lol: nice...

I decided to sell my Oakley's as well. They don't fit me like I want, and I'm afraid I'll destroy them somehow. So, to make up for the lack of sunglasses I went ahead and bought these:


and these (mine have darker lenses):


They fit my style better and are a hell of a lot cheaper.
I'm a Ray Ban guy, I was sporting a pair from the 90's for a long long time but they have pretty much trashed. I definitely need a solid pair again for the summer, so I'll invest in some after my birthday/graduation

As for me, I just got back from a grad party, it was pretty fun. Half the time I was running around with these little neighbor kids who were calling us poopy butts and spitting at us :lol:
:lol: nice...

I decided to sell my Oakley's as well. They don't fit me like I want, and I'm afraid I'll destroy them somehow. So, to make up for the lack of sunglasses I went ahead and bought these:


and these (mine have darker lenses):


They fit my style better and are a hell of a lot cheaper.

did you wear your ballistic oakley's while in the Corps? haha fag!
The guitarist that I play music with and our working on two new arrangements. The first is "Non-Contradiction Suite for Power Trio", we are two movements into that thus far and we are introducing a few new ideas. For the second arrangement, we will be utilizing a bass singer that is singing an octave below the typical range. For lyrics, we are compiling some very interesting poems from various writers. The first poem is called "To a Baby Born Without Limbs" by Kingsley Amis. It is a very witty mockery of god from god's perspective speaking to an infant born without limbs, you may get a kick out of it.

This is just to show you whose boss around here.
It’ll keep you on your toes, so to speak,
Make you put your best foot forward, so to speak,
And give you something to turn your hand to, so to speak.
You can face up to it like a man,
Or snivvle and blubber like a baby.
That’s up to you. Nothing to do with Me.
If you take it in the right spirit,
You can have a bloody marvelous life,
With the great rewards courage brings,
And the beauty of accepting your LOT.
And think how much good it’ll do your Mum and Dad,
And your Grans and Gramps and the rest of the shower,
To be stopped being complacent.
Make sure they baptise you, though,
In case some murdering bastard
Decides to put you away quick,
Which would send you straight to LIMB-O, ha ha ha.
But just a word in your ear, if you’ve got one.
Mind you DO take this in the right spirit,
And keep a civil tongue in your head about Me.
Because if you DON’T,
I’ve got plenty of other stuff up My sleeve,
Such as Leukemia and polio,
(Which incidentally your welcome to any time,
Whatever spirit you take this in.)
I’ve given you one love-pat, right?
You don’t want another.
So watch it, Jack.

We will be removing the final line along with a number of others, do to the fact that we found them either unnecessary or too tricky to squeeze in timing wise. The music is written entirely around the poem but it is based on the infant's perspective. It's been the most difficult yet in terms of timing and changes. It's relevance to this thread is the fact that I've been and am still trying to play it all of the way through without getting entirely tongue (finger) twisted. I hope some of you may get a kick out of it.
It is 1930's style 12 tone and atonal classical music applied to a power trio (overdriven electric guitar, electric bass, drum set). The style of music throws all conventional classical practices out of the window. Symmetrical scales, tone rows, lack of a key signature, complex time signatures that will often differ every measure, etc. is what it consists of. We have some live videos on the Facebook link in my signature. The recording isn't the best, guitar is too quiet in the mix. We recorded in the studio a few weeks ago and are still waiting on the mastered version. We'll be giving out free cds and download links after we get the mastered copy and get the music copyrighted.

edit: Movements 3 and 4 are less audible than the other ones due to the nearly constant spastic drumming so I would recommend that you listen to them first. Movement 5 takes a different direction than all of the others because the music is based on triads. Essentially, it's a bit more tonal sounding that the others.
Listening to Wintersun and pondering life and shit. Shot an application vidya for the TV show Mantracker a few nights ago with a friend of mine, and was gonna take my hand at editing it tonight, but it's in some weird fucking file format so I handed it off to her to do instead. Fuck it. Lol.
It is 1930's style 12 tone and atonal classical music applied to a power trio (overdriven electric guitar, electric bass, drum set). The style of music throws all conventional classical practices out of the window. Symmetrical scales, tone rows, lack of a key signature, complex time signatures that will often differ every measure, etc. is what it consists of. We have some live videos on the Facebook link in my signature. The recording isn't the best, guitar is too quiet in the mix. We recorded in the studio a few weeks ago and are still waiting on the mastered version. We'll be giving out free cds and download links after we get the mastered copy and get the music copyrighted.

edit: Movements 3 and 4 are less audible than the other ones due to the nearly constant spastic drumming so I would recommend that you listen to them first. Movement 5 takes a different direction than all of the others because the music is based on triads. Essentially, it's a bit more tonal sounding that the others.

Well I'm very intrigued, seeing as I'm both a huge classical fan (primarily late-romantic and what would be called "modern", but is more like early 20th century), and a serious musician.

I listened to a couple of the movements, my internet is crap right now so I had a tough time, and I like the last one a lot. I can probably get a better grasp when your recording comes out, be sure to PM me when it does. I think it's a really cool idea, and something that should be explored more. Are you a music student?