The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Any of the LA nigz going to the Sleep show on June 26th? Also might be going to SepticFlesh/Devin Townsend Project/Obscura/CoB show if I get a photopass, if not I'll be at the Red Sparowe's show. that Friday.
mourning one of my very best friends. my boy joey went to bonaroo in tennessee, drove down from MA in his brand new car. he said he wanted to come back from tennessee a new person. he got pulled over shortly after leaving to head home and was arrested with a only a gram of molly, which was tested and turned out to be meth. minimum sentence in tennessee for possession of over .5 grams of meth-8 years.


i may have seen one of my best friends for the last time. another victim of the developing police state that is america, a victim of the very drugs our government endorses.
wow, fuck that. sorry to hear dude.

how was he caught? do you think was he high when he got pulled over?
i doubt it, he was leaving the biggest music and arts festival around with 18 hours of driving ahead of him. he was probably hungover, dirty, and just trying to get home. now he gets to be cheap labor for the corporate prison industry for 8 years. the party won't be the same without him.

he has a $15,000 bail for a fucking gram. he was with 3 other people, 2 of which have a $10,000 bail and one of which only got charged for pot so he got out and phoned us from tennessee. those are the only details i have. fuck.
I got a macbook pro last week but I've only now started using it and putting things on it. I'll be going pretty slowly, I have to sot through two computers, external hard drives, discs etc. to figure out where things should go. So far I've put up firefox and got all of my essential bookmarks, got some badass widgets and set some of my preferences...
I need to get my sleeping schedule back on track, my fuck. Being up at 5:00 am is bullshit, I'm not even getting paid to be up this late.
Tbh it seems very unlikely that he would have been pulled over and searched for drugs unless he gave the cops a good reason to suspect him.