The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Recovering at work after what can only be considered a fracking epic weekend. Drinking iced green tea. People keep messaging me to ask how I'm doing after Saturday night. I remember everything fine, I just got sleepy and bored at the club and took a nap.
Why coca cola?

I think that it complements the flavor of the meat and the barbeque very well. Root beer, Dr. Pepper, and Pepsi are good alternatives, but I prefer Coke. I ended up going through a little over five 2 liters. The soda evaporates pretty quickly so I periodically added more Coke. Next time, I'm thinking about rubbing the ribs down with Jack Daniel's before rubbing the bbq on and putting them in the oven.
I also bought some edibles recently, saving one for a 6 hour drive to Connecticut and then the other is for when I'm at my Grandmas.
Oh man that's the perfect time for edibles.
I get a little aggressive with the edibles and smoking at the same time...
Then I end up super jacked up. As I am now.

Jack daniels rubbed on anything sounds good.
OMG gonna have a Star Trek party with Jason Keyser in August, what a perfect opportunity to be like "soooo if you want violin tracks for anything......"

yep, he lives maybe 20 minutes away when he's home. of course I am such a nervous mess about playing in front of people that this will go all wrong, but at least I have a Star Trek buddy at home now!
Just finished a fuckton of errands in searing California heat, got back home, cracked open a pint of an icecold Hefe and put on Slumber of Sullen Eyes. Life is good.
That sounds fucking awesome. Stockholm has been a hotbed too today. Hate it when your pants cling to your buttocks like a film of pre-cum, Pabst Blue Ribbon and the tears of the local scenegirls when Tokio Hotel has to cancel.
Talking to Onder on Facebook chat. Drinking water. Arranging a reunion of "orchestra dorks" from high school to go out on the town when I get home.