The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Just got back from running!

Distance: 2.69 miles, moving time: 34:02minutes, Min/Max Elevation: 1,587/1787: 200feet difference over 1/4 mile; Top uphill speed: 13mph. Highest BPM: 204 (checked a few seconds after a sprint, I can only wonder what it was when I was moving).
How many times I had to stop just to breathe: not enough. I need to push harder.
I have a damn good GPS. My heartrate was done the good old fashioned way: with two fingers, a stopwatch, and some math.
I wouldn't mind photographing the Warped tour. problem is I don't believe I have enough ear plugs to get me through all the bullshit I'd have to stand through.
I am going to Warped tour this year! Super excited actually. :lol: A Day to Remember, D.R.U.G.S., August Burns Red, 3OH3, Paramore... fuckin' stoked to be quite honest.