The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

im at work procrastinating and on and facebppl instead haha im actually signing up for this sweeps my friend told me bout, winning tickets to see and party with Korn in NYC. i have the worst luck, but doesn't hurt right? VIP sounds like a WIN to me.

on another note, what's ur fave korn song? ive been listening to freak on a leash all day. oldie but goodie!
God damn it, I saw the last-posted-by thing and got excited hoping that WhiskeyFuneral was back...and then it was just a stupid spambot.

God damn it.
Listening to dance hits of the 90s and studying for the GRE. I have to retake it because my scores are too old to submit to programs this semester. So far it looks like I can pretty much slay the verbal reasoning stuff, and the analytical writing is no problem for me. The part that I really need to work on more is the math. A lot of it is fairly easy, but some of it involves stuff that I haven't done since sophomore year of high school (geometry), and there's a lot of other stuff that I don't remember (like rules for exponents and some of the algebra stuff).

It's really annoying to me that I have to go back and relearn a bunch of stuff that I'm just going to forget again after the test just to prove that I can reason quantitatively, even though I will never have to use 99% of this stuff in my discipline. I really think they should replace the math section with logic puzzles or something for the general test and put math in the subject tests for the math-intensive disciplines. The way they have it set up now makes no fucking sense to me.
I'm really worried about my scores when I take the GRE. I kinda suck at taking tests. What kind of scores do you need to get into a normal graduate school (by normal I mean one that isn't incredibly prestigious)?
i'm trying to figure out the new shit happening on facebook.

few minutes ago i got directed to some random paraguayan chick's profile page, and didn't see any mutual friends listed for us. but she had over 200 "subscribers" which was like a random sample of people from all nations.

the friend list is no longer called a friend list for some reason, it's "subscribers". that's only on the chick's page, not on the normal ones i go to.
Yes, and it's a flagship state school so a good example methinks.

I'm aware, being originally an Iowan before crossing the border into Nebraska. I guess I was under the impression the U of I was more of a "hard science" school (physics, chemistry, biology, etc.) Regardless of that, it's a good choice, and as far as graduate studies, so is Iowa State (my sister got her PHD from there).
Wondering if I should go out in my tailored blue (!) suit and my fake rolex tomorrow night. I'll look like someone who fucks people's mothers for a living.
Just got back from my first professional massage. Very good shit. Had so much tension above/between/behind my shoulderblade area and it got rid of it rather well. Definitely worth $50.