The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Just absolutely positively destroyed the Japanese speaking portion of the phone interviews with the airline I was hoping to work for.

Oh well I didn't want free airfare ANYWAY
Just absolutely positively destroyed the Japanese speaking portion of the phone interviews with the airline I was hoping to work for.

Oh well I didn't want free airfare ANYWAY

Destroyed in this context implies you did well, but your second sentence implies you think you did poorly. WHICH IS IT?
zabu of nΩd;10005467 said:
i'm trying to figure out the new shit happening on facebook.

few minutes ago i got directed to some random paraguayan chick's profile page, and didn't see any mutual friends listed for us. but she had over 200 "subscribers" which was like a random sample of people from all nations.

the friend list is no longer called a friend list for some reason, it's "subscribers". that's only on the chick's page, not on the normal ones i go to.
I think you can now "subscribe" to famous people or journalists or random Paraguayan chicks, like you can with Twitter and Google Plus.
GUYS I GOT THE INTERVIEW IN ATLANTA ON TUESDAY WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO TODAY IS THE BEST DAY. If anyone sees me at Katatopethnia in Philly tonight I'll buy you a drink just because I'm in such a good mood
Drinking a four Loko in the morning. Had two left over beers already from last night. I feel like a total piece of shit scumbag and because that this Four better do me. And the only reason I feel this way is because I've been to rehab. The way I feel right now because am doing this. I need to get fucked up.
I feel really shit. Last year I fucked up a few friendships from drunken behaviour. Right now though, I'm thinking I might go out tonight and get drunk. It kind of needs to happen. I urgh, something.