The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Mort looks the right age to date teenagers!

hot friend was Justin Bieber for Halloween


Kinda hard to tell. Probably would. hook me up =P
Just got home from mowing all day. Gotta go drop the trailer off for the winter at a friend's garage, pick up a couple pizzas from Papa John's for the game tonight then it's chillin with grandpa watching the Bears kick a little Lion tooshy.
I just gave a terrible presentation in Chinese. 我现在不好。:(
Relaxing. Gonna check out the new supermarket in town in a bit. Spent the day hanging out with my mom. We went walking, watched Maury, went shopping and had dinner at like 4:30 pm.
Drinking coffee. I have a nicotine patch on and have not had 1 smoke today. It's pretty nice.
trying to get tired so i can go to bed and wake up for a day of hiking, apple picking and hopefully PIE BAKING with porkpal. gonna be the last beautiful day in this corner of the world for the rest of the week.
shit, divine torture's back! Dude, what's kickin?

Hi buddy. I'm just kinda gettin my shit together. Moved to Illinois, start my new job in about a week, etc. Catchin up on ALOT of missed metal. Good to see you still around. Thank god for your fuckin' blog...saves alot of trouble as far as checkin new shit out haha. How ya been?
I wouldn't go personally. I'd end up getting annoyed with some of the extremely liberal fucktards and get in a fight.

It's sad because it's true. The official movement is classic COINTELPRO. I don't even like to refer to those type of people as "liberal". "The economically illiterate happy slaves" is too long though....... I could just stick with the generic and all inclusive "Useful Idiots".