The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

The whole war on Xtianity in America is a myth. Conservative backwards Christians rule our country, and that's why America is fucked. The politicians and pundits just say that garbage to make the majority of Americans, who want a secular country, feel like shit.

Well i'm sure a lot of christians interpret the fading influence of christianity as evidence of some kind of 'war' against them. The bible sure doesn't teach logic, does it.
Um there is some intense fucking wind and rain going on in Virginia right now. Think i might lose power tonight...

When I say "conservative Christians" I'm not talking about Christian people who have a sense of humanity and morality. I don't buy the NWO being a secret society of Satan worshipers. Your CFR's, Trilatrerals, Bilderbergers, Illuminati, Bohemian Grove guys, etc. are a loose organization of evil people who have varying beliefs, all of which are extreme and bizarre. We're talking Zionists, Xtian fundamentalists, Opus Deists, Islamists, and Stalinists all united together to dominate the planet. What god(s) they believe in are not relevant to their plans.
I just don't see how anyone who has "normal" religious and moral views could be involved with the power plays and exploitation that NWO types carry out on a daily basis. Thus, the NWO surely has fundamentalist Christians among their ranks. Even those that are atheists (which I assume are a minority) must have a pretty warped world view.
Holy fuck! Pure thai food diarrhea

Awesome bro. I will be echoing this on Friday because tomorrow night is a chili and beer party.

I just pounded out writing samples to submit for a job app that I put off for a month. All of them done in one night with ample distraction/surfing time. Why did I procrastinate so long?!>!?!?!??!?!?!?!
I have seen nothing in American foreign or domestic policy that smacks of Christian fundamentalism.

How about the war on reproductive rights? Granted, most of what's getting done is at a state level, but the fundies are absolutely behind it. They're making it harder to get condoms, harder to get abortions, and in many places impossible to get Plan B because even if the pharmacy stocks it the pharmacist is allowed to refuse to sell it.
Some of these generated names actually exist (or are cool).

EDIT: I just got "Mausoleum of Infernal Despair" which could easily be a death/black album.

EDIT: Holy shit. Some other cool ones:

three-headed jehovist crucified by masochistic jehovist
buried by apostle of hatred
idiotic priest killed by possessed mutant
How about the war on reproductive rights? Granted, most of what's getting done is at a state level, but the fundies are absolutely behind it. They're making it harder to get condoms, harder to get abortions, and in many places impossible to get Plan B because even if the pharmacy stocks it the pharmacist is allowed to refuse to sell it.

How is it harder to get condoms? Theres a whole section for them at your local walmart or drugstore.

And what's wrong with a business owner refusing service? And if people want an abortion so bad, they can pay for it out of pocket. I doubt there is any limit on doing that.