The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I'm already bored with Reddit. It's so anonymous, what's the point? I post on forums for a sense of social groupage and rapport/brother/sisterhood.

Edit: Onder be careful what you wish for. I have a flat ass and a ton of stretch marks and loose skin everywhere on my body!
It isn't really a forum, tbh. I love browsing AskReddit, for example, because I actually learn a lot about people from the answers to some of the posed questions.
If I was at my computer I would make a humorless Dakryn meme. ;)

Gonna be a long night!

don't call your mother - don't call your priest
don't call your doctor - call the police
you bring the razor blade - I'll bring the speed
Take off your coat - it's gonna be a long night
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fucking christ it's windy out there. My legs are spent!
About to order some thai food. not sure what I want, but im totally getting some fried dumplings!

It isn't too windy here in Decatur. Sunny and beautiful out though. Needed the rain.

I just ate Digiorno's, realized it wasn't delivery, then ate more. Gotta a 40oz of Cobra and two Grenades of Mickey's in me so I'm feeling alright. Jamming both of Glenn Danzig's Black Aria's.