The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I had 11 urquells yesterday and then I ran away from my friends. I thought it would go unnoticed, but they called me after cca 15 seconds. I tried to convince them I hadn't been with them at all and that it was just a dream but they remembered it too well.
^I lol'd.

I'm at work. Been here since 4 this morning, working til 4 pm. Only 5 hours left to go! Haven't done anything hardly at all. My boss and I are the only ones here today so we went to breakfast this morning, then one of the mechanical parts of the machinery that runs our product broke so we're waiting on the on-call maintenance guy to get here and fix it. He lives in Pana which is about 45 minutes away. Long, easy day to get paid for, for sure.
Nothing, in Connecticut. Grandpa passed. I know it sounds awful, but it is like a vacation for me. Hotel has a whirlpool and hot tub. I got to see a lot of relatives that have not seens in ages. Had pizza at Mama Teresa's last night. You can't get a pizza like that in upstate NY. I'm having one of the best times in ages. Scored some Oxy's.

txting an older women I know, I've never liked a woman as much as her my entire life.
Woke up from a crazy dream where my girlfriend drug me to my closet saying we were going to go to mauldin in the well (lol in the dream it was described as a very convoluted process of entering the astral plain through sex in said location, not as the band.) Where we remained in the dream for a week, during which we were jumping between multiple different realities and living environments.

None of these followed through in a straight line, though we were at one point in time living with her grandfather, some other old guy(who always argued about ice cream, and had a massive collection sitting around on counters, which they insisted did not need refrigeration as it was 'ice' cream) an ex of hers and someone's child.

At another point we were living with a sex starved female friend of my girlfriend that would try to get in on our sex life over and over again despite our refusal to comply.

There were other envirments I don't recall as well, and random flashes of us in the closet the dream initiated in, with other couples in it, and some lonesome female moping in the corner staring at myself and Amanda.

Due to details I don't actually recall the dream has left me rather discomfortable and my girlfriend is sound asleep. So here I am in bed by her browsing the internet and listening to mauldin of the well while finishing off my whiskey supply.
Played D&D last night.
The party is 5th level. Our bard rolled a 41-40-42 on his perform skill. It was so high that I made angels notice and they came down. In a fishing village they used stone shape and created a statue of the party. And in a large city the king noticed and invited them into the castle for a feast.
With rolls like that they are going to be legends.
I have to read about the history of Islam. Ohhhhhh save me from it. Why did I pick this module? Damn is it boring. I'll probably be accused of idiocy for these remarks, but whatever.
Eating a couple sandwiches. Usually I'd only eat 1, but these are so amazing. Went to the local deli and bought various things (swordfish steaks, creamy Havarti cheese and Havarti cheese with Jalepeno, Boar's Head Cajun Turkey, Corned Beef, and Roast Beef). I'm eating a Cajun Turkey with Havarti Jalepeno Cheese on whole grain bread with Lite Miracle Whip. Amazing.
Pizza? Oxy's? Older Women? Funeral? Sounds like the best day of my life. Minus the funeral...maybe.

I'm usually pretty fine with whatever type of relationship we have as is, but there are times when I would like to talk with her and see her more often than I do. I feel like there's more for me to expirience. I know she likes hiking and stuff. So I just got into her about hiking and what not.
Wearing several different black and white patterned clothing items at once, wearing fake Ray Bans and dramatic stabby earrings dancing around to "This Corrosion" because I'm 17 again
Reading Euripides' "Bacchae" in Greek, which persuaded me to uncork a bottle of wine. Listening to Gregorian chants on the stereo, too.

I'm weird.