The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

god damn that's nice....well first up, what style of music do you play and how serious are you with your playing?

I play folk music with a friend and jam along to a lot of hard rock and heavy metal on my own, so I want a new good allround guitar. I don't know how "serious" I am, but I'm a ritch bitch anyway and instrument price isn't an issue for me.
I would like each and every mouth in the world to go through a competition tournament to choose the best lips which would then go to a play-off elimination games, quarter-finals to finals, to compose the two best lips forming a mouth to only gently touch my cock. This would take place every year and after TEN years I would finally choose the winner and those lips would be sewed on a woman who would go through a similar competition of women bodies and shit and THEN I would RAPE THAT FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT until it falls apart.
YEAH ONDER IT IS REALLY EVIL!!! You should grow a fucking brain you piece of shit! Stop objectifying women.
Had an appointment with my oncologist today. Hadn't seem him for about 3 months. The moment i walked into his office he was like, "you look like one of those terrorists" with my hair grown out and my beard. We chit chatted a little bit and after i was leaving he said to me "you should cut your hair and shave your beard, it doesn't fit you" and i told him, but the girls are liking it. Then he started laughing.
Too self-aware.

EDIT: My blowjobs are something that I know I am good in. I have sucked cock for 1,000 cameras in every angle imaginable. I have measured my face, my tongue - width ratio etc.... I have studied what makes blowjobs attractive.

I want you. Now.

I'm drinking some delicious King Cobra and jamming some delicious Samhain. Gonna eat some Tamales and go to bed. Another 12 hour shift tomorrow. Tiring, but 64 hours pays well especially after the raise I got...
Drinking a Four Loko and bought a jeremiah weed also. I should be pretty buzzed/drunk just from this shit at somepoint.
Left Hand is mediocre, in my opinion.

I've yet to discover a stout that competes with Samuel Smith's Oatmeal (and their Imperial, which is fucking awesome) Stout, and Lost Coast Brewery's 8-Ball Stout. Those are still two of my favorite thick, malty beers ever.

Goose Island's Nightstalker and Bourbon County are great too, but I'm pissed at them since they sold out.
holy dicks :|

cleaned out the kitchen with my roommate today, and after our party last night realized we have an obscene amount of leftover alcohol that people have left from all the parties....probably about 30 assorted beers, a whole fucking bottle of jager in the back of the freezer, JD, vodka's....we'll be set for a while :p

going to a buddy's house party tonight, it'll be a great crowd, my friend's a nationally recognized jazz sax player, not even out of college yet.