The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

High and feeling really good. Did just half a suboxone for the first time and have to say it's pretty strong stuff. It gives you the same affects as Opiates. I did some Oxy last week and em enjoying this just as much. It's suppose to last up to 12 hours also. Anyways, I had to work today unexpectedly. Am on 3 days next week and than going to end up working full time this summer. I know people don't like their Jobs and stuff, but fuck I hate working. If I am going to work am going to get high. I don't believe in saving money,etc.. and the point in life is to live everyday at a time. Saving money working a minimum wage job is pointless. I hate going to work and being misrable thinking with time there's a future and a point to life at somepoint. A point to life and that it will just get better, cause it's bullshit. A woman I know is trying to find me a tutor and am thinking about going back to school. I'm only 25. I'd like to live in my own place be free and support myself one day. Live in a cabin on a lake or something by myself. The great thing about getting high is you don't have to drink. And am now ten times less misrable because of it. A lot of times lately when get drunk regret it, especially when drinking alone.
I'll tell you bro, if you find a woman older than you that's not all fucked up, it can teach you a lot. I know from both sides of that fence man. I say keep going for it, but don't over do it, either. Learn from the experience. Also, hot older women

As of right now it is just a matter of her calling/txting me asking me if I want to go Hiking with her sometime. Which I mentioned talking to her about in another post. I'm not a sexual guy and do not care about getting laid, but If I did have sex with a woman it would be with her. I do not really want to do anything that would cause me to lose her out of my life completely. I've known her since a teen and she's always been amazing to me. Just going on a hike with her seeing her and talking to her would mean the world to me and make my day. Make me happy. I feel like stuff should happen naturally and with positive energy. And ofcouse mental connection. We've always been on par mentally. And do feel like there's pysical attraction. I'll just go with the flow. Whatever works. I've never really enjoyed a female's company before. So it just to me feels right.
Goddamit I peed in my underwear little bit. Now there's cold pee on the tip of my dong everytime I move. I need to wait for the stain to dry out. I'll try to fall asleep.
Drinking a Yuengling Bock and making pork tenderloin. Basting it in a balsamic vinegar/olive oil marinade with garlic and spices, browning and then baking (since I don't have a grill). So far, it smells delicious.
First fucking time in over 7 days without this ridiculous headache, I can finally think again, can listen to metal again. Also finished my project for this semester, and the weather is amazing. Feels fucking good.

Currently mixing some Black Sabbath, Anthrax and Cirith Ungol.
Drinking my first beer today. It might not be the last one! I'm starting to feel pretty good and sweating all this bullshit faggot nonsense off my body. YES.


I don't have any money.

So yeah.
I really badly want to do anal with a chick. I don't think monday girl wants to see me again at all. It really sucks, she was a solid 8.

Fuck. She was so sweet as well.
I really badly want to do anal with a chick. I don't think monday girl wants to see me again at all. It really sucks, she was a solid 8.

Fuck. She was so sweet as well.

Well why don't you buy me a beer and I'll let you do me in the ass.

Also, pictures of said chick tbh.

EDIT: Is she from Prague?
We can do rounds but no buttsecks.

It could be your sister for all I know, so no pics (more realistically, because it's a bit rude), but yes she's from Prague.
We can do rounds but no buttsecks.

It could be your sister for all I know, so no pics (more realistically, because it's a bit rude), but yes she's from Prague.

But she doesn't exist unless you post pictures of her on the internet ldo. And no it can't be my sister. What are you up to today in this mother of cities. It's friday, friday, gotta get down on friday. Yesterday was thursday and shit.


I have some swear words that I did not use in this post and they are left over:

Fuck fuck fuck fuck cunt faggot faggot faggot my pals scum.

EDIT: That wasn't aimed at anybody.