The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Went to party, hooked up with hottest chick there, and got dat numbah.

Also met some dude who likes Agalloch, Katatonia, Opeth etc.

Good stuff.
Just got back from an unexpected closing shift at work. Now putting on Dead Can Dance's s/t and loading up my bong.
Was just working on some art to pass time, listening to the newest Horn album when both PS and Winamp crashed simultaneously. <3 computers. Now I will probably play Dragon's Dogma and sleeeeep.
Can't function, too tired, mornings suck. Need to go to bank and cancel my debit card which has been lost, take out cash, get stuff done somehow. blech.
Stoned, eating chips in bed with the best layered bean dip I've ever made, drinking a yuengling, and about to watch some Lost on Netflix.