The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Pissed off after arguing the ex (...still don't understand why we talk lol) and about to eat something and crash, got a long weekend of work ahead.
I ate an expensive steak at a tourist trap style restaurant because I was sick of cooking and sick of mcdonalds. Urgh, I have to read about Islam tonight. Fuck religion.
I think I just figured out why my gay friend can be so narcissistic. He's good-looking. So he obviously knows it, since he is part of the gender he's attracted to.
Auditioned a bassist for my band. He wasn't very good, so it was kind of disappointing, but my drummer and I jammed circles around him for about an hour and I felt like such a boss.
It sucks trying out people.
It's hard enough to find someone that likes the same style of music let alone has the abilities to actually play it.

for the most part people dont care about being good at their instrument.
They just like saying they playing one.
Yeah, it was awful trying to find a vocalist that can actually sing well and in the style that I wanted. I eventually said fuck it and decided I'd just take vocal lessons and fucking sing.
Auditioned a bassist for my band. He wasn't very good, so it was kind of disappointing, but my drummer and I jammed circles around him for about an hour and I felt like such a boss.

You should get a mediocre guitar player to pick up the bass for you guys. I bet you would have a lot more luck with finding somebody who is competent. I switched from guitar to bass for my band and it turned out to be a good trade off. I get to play super inventive bass lines and have a lot of fun with it. It's funny because I used to be known as a decent guitar player around the area, where as now people think that I'm a ridiculously awesome bass player.

I've started working on singing a lot lately. My buddy that I play music with wants to get a cover band going that plays at bars for money going and I think it will be pretty fun. We'll have to play some gay ass music, but getting to sing some Led Zeppelin mixed in with that almost makes it worth it. We've shot this idea around for a while, so I guess we'll see how it works out this time.
That's somewhat dumb reasoning really. Do you think the most conceited girls are lesbians? I don't.

You're getting it backwards. And I'm not saying "most" are anything. I just think my gay friend might be so narcissistic because he's attracted to his own gender and thinks he's attractive.
It sucks trying out people.
It's hard enough to find someone that likes the same style of music let alone has the abilities to actually play it.

for the most part people dont care about being good at their instrument.
They just like saying they playing one.

That's why I said I'd have to pass. Power metal is not where I fit in stylistically at all.
I'm touching my nose. What an odd thing it is, shaped like this and stuff. Is it cute? Maybe. I ate some bread a while ago. Someone is asleep. People sleep. My nose is probably cute, yeah. This earth would feel so good in my hand. can you imagine catching the rotating globe in your hands? If it was the size of a tennis ball? Warm from one side, cold on another. I always liked my feet, but now I like my nose more.