The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

He just seems to have a sense of humor that he doesn't really care if we appreciate or not. I do sometimes.
He's cool. I don't have a problem with him. He's funny sometimes. You guys don't like him for no apparent reason.
I'm going to have a lunch made by my precious grandmother and then allow her to cut my hair.
Racism is easy to understand. No one ever talks about the blacks vs. Asians war (well, Watts riots) but we fucking hate each other. Well I don't hate blacks but a lot of them around here hate me. All I can do not to say "you're just jealous because we're smarter"
Racism is easy to understand. No one ever talks about the blacks vs. Asians war (well, Watts riots) but we fucking hate each other. Well I don't hate blacks but a lot of them around here hate me. All I can do not to say "you're just jealous because we're smarter"

The thing I meant is the racism humor. Some people think that plain racism is funny because it's not politically correct or something. But it's just not enough.
Oh yeah, like "gingerbread men don't scream in the oven" etc? That's not funny unless you're a 14 year old trying to shock people
In Bradford there has been a whites vs Pakistanis war for about three decades. I couldn't care less about political correctness in regard to it, they are, for the most part, more or less assholes who act like gangsta thugs and drive around in cars glaring at everyone and trying to get girls to get in. They almost all seem to be drug dealers as well. It's basically like, oh, we're brown but we live in England, so we have an identity crisis, oh wait, it's the back end of the 80s, oh I know, let's listen to gangsta rap and become black, yeah, that'll sort it all out. There's always a fucking riot, sometimes because a brown person got arrested for committing a crime, sometimes in celebration of a terrorist attack, sometimes because their religion has been disrespected in some way. For fuck's sake. They have their own stupid communist political party now, called Respect, with George Galloway. Balls. England is probably going to have another civil war in a few decades and there's nothing the massively elitist marxist social engineers can do to stop it. Bollocks.
In Bradford there has been a whites vs Pakistanis war for about three decades. I couldn't care less about political correctness in regard to it, they are, for the most part, more or less assholes who act like gangsta thugs and drive around in cars glaring at everyone and trying to get girls to get in. They almost all seem to be drug dealers as well. It's basically like, oh, we're brown but we live in England, so we have an identity crisis, oh wait, it's the back end of the 80s, oh I know, let's listen to gangsta rap and become black, yeah, that'll sort it all out. There's always a fucking riot, sometimes because a brown person got arrested for committing a crime, sometimes in celebration of a terrorist attack, sometimes because their religion has been disrespected in some way. For fuck's sake. They have their own stupid communist political party now, called Respect, with George Galloway. Balls. England is probably going to have another civil war in a few decades and there's nothing the massively elitist marxist social engineers can do to stop it. Bollocks.

Here's an insight that I have taken to heart:

Racists, as far as I'm concerned, are unsuccessful individuals who have failed to realize where the basic problem lies: immigrants are equal victims of multiculturalism as the original population. It is immigration that is destructive, not immigrants per se. Several of us nationalists became nationalists because we saw how friends from other cultures were forced to give up important parts of their cultural and traditional life style, to fit in the Swedish consumer society. While we were celebrating Midsummer, reading Strindberg and listening to folk music on the National Day, so they sat at home and ate themselves fat on kebabs, watching soap operas and embraced neo-communistic rhetoric in American hip-hop music.

If there is anything we can say today, it is the following: multiculturalism is not about cultural diversity. It is a way for companies to cheaply hire immigrants and bring more people from Developing Countries into the Developed Country-consumerism. How many young immigrants today do not live in segregated neighborhoods, worship Che Guevara, listening to the mass-produced hip-hop, dream of cell phones and scantily clad Swedish girls, and longs for the coming "revolution", when all the rich Swedes will get what's coming to them? What does this have to do with their original culture? Zero - nada - nothing. They are as lost in life as all these Swedes who today criticize the Swedish culture for being "boring" and "ridiculous" - only mentally defective individuals look down on their own traditions, their cultural identity and their roots.


Immigrants are made into underdogs and adopt the artificial (Anti) Culture while the natives bend backwards until their backs break in order to appease the underdogs. Ultimately both sides are stepping into a depressing cultural vacuum, and everyone loses.
The thing is, a lot of people within the political establishment foresee a time when moderate islamic coffee coloured people will march down the streets, with flags of red and cries for liberation and then the evil captialist machine will be smashed, racism will be abolished and the white man's evil deeds will have been atoned. Marxist really out to be treat in the way that national socialism is currently, as dangerous madness.