The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Incredibly tired after working, gym, and grocery-shopping. Do not have the energy to cook dinner and practice guitar. Fffffu.
I'm at work. I am so god damned bored. I brought my iPod that I never thought I would need and almost have nothing I am in the mood for. I knew I shouldn't have got one with only 8GB. Damn it. I'm completely alone and there is literally nothing to do tonight. My boss said just come in and get paid for nothing then, haha. I can't complain really. I did just remind myself how much I like Krisiun's "Southern Storm" and Decapitated's "Nihility".
At Tate & Lyle. It's the second largest corn/soybean processing plant/company in the world. The largest is ADM, which is also based in this town.

EDIT: New avatar is questionable. Hm.
It's new guitar time. I'm debating on whether or not to get a 7 string, though. I love low end shit, and I like playing slam shit, so that would be good, but I just don't know...ugh. I also need to sell my current guitar. I hate it.
I'd recommend a seven-string. I really regret not getting one instead of a damn Fender Strat.
Hating this laptop. I can't disable the touchpad and my massive hands knock the cursor into the wrong place whenever I'm typing.
I'd recommend a seven-string. I really regret not getting one instead of a damn Fender Strat.

I don't like Strats at all anyway. Especially for playing metal. I did learn to play on an old Strat those frets sucked to play on haha. I'm really thinking I'll get the 7 string...They have a new Schecter 7 string that's only $200 now, if you want to get one that's affordable. I'm sure it's not as nice as their more pricey models, but for a starting 7 string, I bet it's not bad. It is Schecter, after all.
Had my second day of a week-long staff orientation for my summer teaching program. Did it last year. I'm teaching Scientific Writing/Greek & Latin Terminology for a Math-Science program. Love being paid for knowing this shit.
Also, just cooked me some Hungarian-style goulash over egg noodles and it's fucking delicious as hell. Using chicken thighs instead of breasts was a good call.