The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

In Europe, Twix was called Raider until ten years ago. I still haven't figured out why there initially was a different name or why that name eventually had to change to Twix.

In here it was always Twix. I remember buying it when I was little.
Reeses are great in moderation. I eat peanut m@m's everyday before games and also frequently nom on rice crispy treats, gummey bears, and so forth.
I have weird taste in chocolate bars I guess. Mars is too sickly and Snickers is just plain nasty. I prefer solid chocolate mars like Yorkie or Galaxy.
The exceptions to the preference for solid chocolate bars include Kinder Bueno and Fox's Rocky bars. Most of you probably haven't tried those though.

Om nom nom
That shit rulez but is more expensive. Almost as expensive as Rafaello hah.