The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I've gone back on my weed moratorium after lifting it for the couple weeks around MDF. Every day since I've stopped using the stuff I feel myself getting sharper and sharper again.

Haven't smoked for almost five months now. I do feel less retarded.
I do stop and see the effect. In fact, that's what I'm doing now. I can never smoke too much on a regular basis because I get bored of it.

Every single time I've stopped smoking weed, be it for a few months, or for a few weeks, the only difference I observe is a change in how being hungry feels (it's different, I can't explain it). My days are exactly the same, only there's no part of it where I get high.
Just got done detailing the car, again, for the second time in three days. Why? Car show. I'm submitting the RSX into a car show today, and then after that one there's supposed to be some killer car show with a bunch of acts and burlesque dancers and whatnot, sounds like a good time.

I'll post pics later, this is gonna be a good day!
Finally found an appartment, received the contract just now. Goodbye ~3 hours of transport a day! And then there's a party later tonight.
A good day! Except for that damned weather.
I went with the 6 string 3x3 Schecter. The last Schecter I had was the best guitar I ever played, followed closely by the Jackson Warrior I had. But that old Schecter was perfect to me. Mmm...what's wrong with the 3x3 set up?

My guitar (that I never play anymore) is a Schecter DS. I like the typical Schecter body style, and despite it being a "bargain" guitar, always got complements from friends who played who would try it out.
I have several schecters and I love them. Great mid- and high- end guitars.

Going to a barbeque in a few minutes. We're gonna make a baby out of meat and then eat it. Pictures are likely.
You were taking as shit as you posted that?

I just brought home two large combo pizzas from Godfathers, as well as a King Cobra. Gonna watch my new Tosh.O DVD pretty soon.
yep, technology is wonderful, isnt it?

So very true. My new Schecter is coming this week, so if you are still down to start some kind of amazing awesome side project, let me know. I'm more of a death/black/thrash/doomdeath style player, and can do vocals as well if needed. Could play drums, but I refuse to spend that money anymore haha.