The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Changed the oil in my wife's car. Never trusting a shop with an oil change again. This vehicle is not leaking or burning oil, and it had 3/5 of what it was supposed to have in it, and the oil filter was some wtf-is-this brand. Fucking shysters.
divine_torture said:
So very true. My new Schecter is coming this week, so if you are still down to start some kind of amazing awesome side project, let me know. I'm more of a death/black/thrash/doomdeath style player, and can do vocals as well if needed. Could play drums, but I refuse to spend that money anymore haha.

Changed the oil in my wife's car. Never trusting a shop with an oil change again. This vehicle is not leaking or burning oil, and it had 3/5 of what it was supposed to have in it, and the oil filter was some wtf-is-this brand. Fucking shysters.

A friend of mine took his car to the shop for an oil change only to have it break down a few hundred feet from the shop. The idiots drained his transmission fluid and filled his engine oil to double capacity.
I think it's my anti-virus.

I' not certain, but I think there is an actual issue here because I was looking around the site last night and all of a sudden my computer just goes completely black. I reboot and my scanner caught a few viruses.
Avast itself is a fucking virus. It takes over your computer like a fucking mother-in-law. It infects it with its shittiness and fucking wastes half of its power on fucking shitty shit or something shitty and fucking whore fucking cunt shit. "Anti-virus". L O L.

Been thinking about changing it but never really got around to it. *shrug* Was just wondering if anyone else had further issues.