The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I think bunnies are fucking disgusting and I knew a girl that everybody called bunny because she wanted them to and she was ugly too. I thought her face was really fucking ugly. And she was dumb.
fixing my bathroom faucet.
Have it all taken apart and soaking in white vinegar.
Put some new O rings and a couple other pieces in.
Nothing like doing home repair on a Sunday morning at 1:00am with metal in the background
Got done with work about an hour ago. Drinking Coffee. Gotta work 5 days next week, FUCK ME!.
Midwestern thunderstorms are pretty serious business. One of the towns I used to live in, Cambridge, OH, (I lived there periodically and erratically)got hit pretty hard with this last storm. The winds alone leveled quite a few buildings. When I was 5, we lived in Cambridge for about a year and one of those sort of storms rolled through, the damage was severe enough for the Coast Guard to spend a week there. Half of the town was under water by the time the storm was finished, including the house I lived in.
Same way here. Fuck, this state is just nasty in general. Not to mention all the shootings in Chicago. And here. And Springfield is apparently one of the highest rated cities for violent crimes....
Went to the university an hour ago and i was 10 minutes late for my class. I arrived at the classroom and the it was empty, i got really angry and went home. Now i have another class and i'm not thinking of going. Fuck that shit, i'm not getting out of my house again in this damn hot weather.
I'll see tomorrow, if those assholes are absent again, i'll drop that shit and take it next semester.
It has been nothing but extremely hot days and extremely rainy days here. The humidity just builds and builds and builds then breaks in a huge storm.