The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

played awesome D&D tonight.
one of our oldest campaigns. Ninjas!
although we arent ninjas anymore, so to speak. We are making it seem like we are samurai and we are able to do what we want in the city.
Rival ninja clans, Yakuza, and the Shadow Realm are our enemies.
And the Daimyo is being pressured by all to take back control of the city or be executed or comitt seppuku.
which means the leader of our ninja clan will have to do the same, and so will we. damn!
Fucking fuck fuck fuck fucking fuck. YAY.

Wiggle wiggle. Yarpy yarp. It's hot outside, it's hot inside and I'm having a fucking coffee. I'm a fucking dumb faggot, I should be drinking beer by now. I think I will shit on my penis. I'm so sweaty. I'm listening to Shostakovich 10, it's awesome.

I should have a beer. Or not. I don't know. I don't FUCKING KNOW.

EDIT: is down and that's pissing me off.
Fuck, it's hot here too. I'm hating my body in the summer. It gets all sweaty and sticky. I'm taking shower 3 times a day lately.