The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

You know when you take a piss, put on your pants and start walking, and some more piss comes out, making you smell bad? I just fookin solved this problem. When you've pissed everything you can, make sure to lift your balls up and down a few times, and those last few millilitres of piss will come out before you put your pants back on.
My method is always to take a bit of toilet paper and squeeze out that pesky remainder with my thumb and forefinger into it.

Then you fall into a false sense of security doing it and a female sees your penis, with a piece of toilet paper stuck to it.
Holy fucking shit!!!!! A GIANT branch just hit the house and landed between the car and the house!!!! WTF is up with this Sweetgum tree!!

I almost shit my pants. I thought we were under attack! :lol:
I secretly fear an attack someday here in Decatur because of ADM and Tate & Lyle. I feared the same thing in Denver because of the whole military/nuclear weapons base and such. No matter where I go them damn foreigners are gonna get me!
Listening to this and toking by the light of my candle and lava lamp.

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