The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

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If you are not a weekend partier but a psychedelic warrior, try this: get caught up on your sleep, and sleep at least eight hours. Get up early on a sunny day. Pour yourself a large glass (1 liter) of water, and down it. Have a healthy breakfast (actually, fortified cereal is the best: large amounts of B-series vitamins), and then munching down some candied ginger. Then drink 2-4 cups of the stiffest coffee you can stand. Next, knuckle shot (quickly drink) a pony of hard liquor, preferrably vodka. Finally, drink another large tumbler of water and run around the block. Your blood will be thin and moving quickly, your brain will be bolstered by caffeine and alcohol, and your general health will support you as you venture on this journey. To cap it off, retreat to a safe, comfortable, familiar place, munch 1 mushroom cap if you have it, and then take 5-10 rips in rapid succession as described above. During the most formative years of my life, I often began days this way.

I remember coming across this several years ago and trying what he said in the article. I think it was my third year of my undergrad. It works. Let's put it simply.
It's been years since I've had a chinese meal. Hungry in the middle of a night in a place with now 24hour stores. Great.
Listening to Dark Side of the Moon while toking. I just wrote a song about how much I love marijuana. I'm gonna do MBV-esque vocals, so it'll take a while to record. But I can get all the melodies down beforehand. Then I have to revise a fuckload. I feel so creative. And this album is just blowing me away.
Just got back from the gym after a 12 hour night at work. Just did a quick set of squats and some bicep/tricep supersets. Now I'm drinking beer (which I've done 2 other times in the past month), and saying fuck my diet and eating boneless Teriyaki wings from the deli.
Gonna poop. Went on a 6 hour drinking bender and managed to restrain myself to half a beer and 2 Malibu & Diet Cokes, and the e-cigarette was brilliant. I can breathe fine today!

My roommate got too drunk and got lost walking home.
Just got back from the gym after a 12 hour night at work. Just did a quick set of squats and some bicep/tricep supersets. Now I'm drinking beer (which I've done 2 other times in the past month), and saying fuck my diet and eating boneless Teriyaki wings from the deli.

Good on ya for exercising after 12 hours. I usually just crash. Or space out for an hour, then crash.

I’m gonna be couch surfing up in Denver for most of next week. My new job starts a week before my lease does, and I can’t afford a 120-mile daily commute. Hope my friends don’t lock me out or some such shit.

The new job is on an Apple Care contract with IBM. I’m stoked that I get to use an iMac at work. They worked with me on my school schedule too, so I don’t have to take a semester off. And the tuition reimbursement program seems authentic.
So when Schmidt was here and I was running away from Cattle and I fell on the ground, I scratched my elbow a little and it was healing for few days but now I think I got it infected because I have a bulk there and moving it hurts. I will probably go to emergency so they cut it a little and remove the crap inside of it so I don't get blood infection. When I got my ring finger infected they did the same thing immediately and this is somewhat bigger.
Eugh good luck with that.

I'm drinking coffee and panicking slightly because my landlord will be back in town on Sunday and my apartment is messy. And my friend borrowed his bike and it's rusty.
Good on ya for exercising after 12 hours. I usually just crash. Or space out for an hour, then crash.

I’m gonna be couch surfing up in Denver for most of next week. My new job starts a week before my lease does, and I can’t afford a 120-mile daily commute. Hope my friends don’t lock me out or some such shit.

The new job is on an Apple Care contract with IBM. I’m stoked that I get to use an iMac at work. They worked with me on my school schedule too, so I don’t have to take a semester off. And the tuition reimbursement program seems authentic.

Good shit man. Good to see you staying on the iMac team haha. Fuck, im me sometime and we can chat and shit. Been a long time, bro.
Great. Someone hit a kitten in the parking lot at my work. I went down there and everyone was freaking out so I helped clean it up. The mother and a sibling were watching as this all happened. After it was disposed of (double trash bagged and someone is taking it to the Humane Society) I sat on the floor in the bathroom and cried for a while. Now I'll probably have a really shitty workout and feel awful about myself in a swimsuit at the water park tomorrow.

Not my week! At least the e-cigarettes are keeping me away from tobacco.
That sounds pretty awful...

Listening to Dark Side of the Moon while toking. I just wrote a song about how much I love marijuana. I'm gonna do MBV-esque vocals, so it'll take a while to record. But I can get all the melodies down beforehand. Then I have to revise a fuckload. I feel so creative. And this album is just blowing me away.

I really hope we get to collaborate on music someday.

Good on ya for exercising after 12 hours. I usually just crash. Or space out for an hour, then crash.

I’m gonna be couch surfing up in Denver for most of next week. My new job starts a week before my lease does, and I can’t afford a 120-mile daily commute. Hope my friends don’t lock me out or some such shit.

The new job is on an Apple Care contract with IBM. I’m stoked that I get to use an iMac at work. They worked with me on my school schedule too, so I don’t have to take a semester off. And the tuition reimbursement program seems authentic.

What's this contract between Apple and IBM all about?