The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Seriously, the midwest had a massive barrage of storms just a month or so ago but now it is HEAT HEAT HEAT oh hey teaser cool day HEAT HEAT HEAT

Everywhere but the town I live in apparently got some storms. It's strange, there will be giant walls of moisture and storms headed to us, and just when they hit Decatur, they totally fucking dissipate. It sucks...
Listening to noisegrind before leaving to pub. I will only have three beers, same as yesterday. It's my life-plan.
truth is im really blazed right now, smoked up with my bro because he's gonna get his wisdom teet htaken out tomorrow so one more blunt before he'll be out of commission for a few days and i gotta take care of him because he took take of me when i was down for the count brahs

YEAH!!!!!!!! SEX!!!!!!!!!!!!

Suffering somewhat from last night. I only had two beers but I didn't get 8 hours of sleep. BUT small victories, PP and my shared e-cigs all failed but we didn't resort to real cigs despite half our friends smoking.
Cleaned up some trash outside. Now all that's left is misc concrete/dirt to be cleaned up off my new parking area. Yesterday was decent outside but today is high swampassity.
Just got out of bed... i got my sleep schedule flipped when i stayed out all night partying on sunday. I know i often wanted to sleep like this as a teenager, but now that i've had the chance i can't say it's all that great haha.
Wikipedia said:
Unlike body lice, head lice are not the vectors of any diseases, and it has even been suggested that head lice infections are beneficial in helping to foster a natural immune response against lice which helps humans in defense against the far more dangerous body louse, which is capable of transmission of a number of dangerous diseases.

Huh, wasn't expecting to read that.

I have a lot of bites on my lower body because my mom's house has fleas. Can't say whether or not i'd prefer that over any lice though.