The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Great. Someone hit a kitten in the parking lot at my work. I went down there and everyone was freaking out so I helped clean it up. The mother and a sibling were watching as this all happened. After it was disposed of (double trash bagged and someone is taking it to the Humane Society) I sat on the floor in the bathroom and cried for a while. Now I'll probably have a really shitty workout and feel awful about myself in a swimsuit at the water park tomorrow.

Not my week! At least the e-cigarettes are keeping me away from tobacco.

Poor kitty.

I got off work at 7 this morning after 12 hours and had to go back in at 2 with just a 2 hour nap between. I just got home and it's almost 7 now. Long day.
Spent all day at an amusement park yesterday, screaming and laughing on all the rides made me feel 15. So rejuvenating, so awesome!

This one was my fav:

Fuck no. It's not even humid hot, just dry as fuck and scorching. I bet Lake Decatur dries up completely this year. Ha. Good. That Lake is dirty as balls.

You think it's dry as fuck and scorching in Illinois? Try Southern California. I swear, except for a short mildly cool winter, there are no fucking seasons except summer here.
You think it's dry as fuck and scorching in Illinois? Try Southern California. I swear, except for a short mildly cool winter, there are no fucking seasons except summer here.

But you have a giant fucking ocean that can help create some sort of moisture...we have a lake here that is drying up at a fucking inch per day, no green grass, water restrictions startingj tomorrow, and 100+ degree weather everyday for god knows how long...ugh.
But you have a giant fucking ocean that can help create some sort of moisture...we have a lake here that is drying up at a fucking inch per day, no green grass, water restrictions startingj tomorrow, and 100+ degree weather everyday for god knows how long...ugh.

Only right on the coast. Like, when your feet are in the water.
The infection in my hand is somewhat stagnating. Moving it doesn't hurt anymore but now the forearm is swollen. I would watch a documentary on what's happening inside. Also, I should have a beer. These days, I watch a lot of movies. Also, I had ok sex yesterday. Also, my headphones broke so I was listening to Brahms earlier with my mother's headphones. I will buy AKG K240 MkII, but right now I don't have enough money. Also, fuck you. You fucking stalker. How the hell did you finish this post. Do you like my ass? I will call 911. I want everybody to just fuck off.

Krampus, do you want me to send you a sample of the shit I'm about to take, or are photos enough?

EDIT: Krig doesn't get any.