The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Oh wow, found out that the root of my email account being shut down the other day was due to a hacking that happened to Blizzard. They got access to peoples email addresses and secret questions...
Saw the first show in Dead Can Dance's comeback tour last night in vancouver. Best show i've ever seen. It was at the Orpheum which is one of the best venues i've been to. normally I like Brendan and Lisa's stuff equally but live, Lisa's voice just defies description. It's a weapon. You feel like she could flatten a building. I know a lot of people here are dying to see the show so i'll write a bit about it but if you prefer to be kept in suspense stop reading know.

The show was like a religious experience; the crowd was frenzied. Standing ovation at the beginning, again halfway through after The Host of Seraphim, and we got three encores, the third a solo piece by lisa after half the crowd had given up and left. They played the entire Anastasis album, along with a few traditional folk pieces I didnt know, a song from brendan's solo album (i think - not sure), and old classics Rakim, Sanvean (which brought tears to my eyes), Summoning of the Muse and maybe one or two others I cant recall. The new album sounds great live. I particularly liked The Return of the She-king. Cantara was a notable omission, and brendan didnt sing anything older unfortunatwly (would have loved In the Kingdom of the Blind or something like that). It was particularly touching to hear lisa, who hadnt spoken all night, whisper "you're amazing" after her last song.
Went to a burlesque show tonight, my first one. I got pretty drunk there and am still slightly inebriated. The show was awesome, the dancers came off stage for part of their show and one of them got really close to me and rubbed her ass on my arm so I got up and started dancing with her, then a couple other girls came over and it was three on one. It was fuckin awesome.

Making a turkey sammch.
I need more alcohol and less travelling from town to town to boring stuff. I might go to Greece. We'll see.

Going to be a SUPERSTAR ASSISTANT all week so I feel justified in asking the boss for 3 days off to go to England in November.
Listening to the theme musics from TV shows that I've downloaded onto my phone

I've got the themes from
The Addams Family
The Munsters
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
Star Trek TNG
Star Trek Voyager
The X-Files