The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I think my girl just broke up with me as if I was some utterly weak faggot. She's leaving to Poland tommorow and we "opened our relationship" (bunch of fucking cocksucking bullshit bags of dicks etc etc) so she can fucking suck some jewish polish christian retarded crippled fucking dicks one after another for simple excitement. I know I'm a boring person and I noticed she didn't like me anymore so I'm not going to cry about it or anything but this was one smooth fuck off. I don't want to imagine her hunting some polish village retards.

Now who should I fuck. Fucking badgers? Some dead hedgehog on a street? I'm not going to go looking for some dumb fucking women to have conversations with. They are all dicks. Who will I cuddle. How will I get drunk when I have no fucking money. That's another issue. Fucking sick of this shit.

Just take a break from women, dude. You're not in any spot to make those kinda decisions. Have a couple drinks, listen to some party metal and look at just putting your brain back together.

Worry about fuckin' later. I'd legit buy a drink for you right now if I had any way of doin' it. Got a Fandango nearby? I'll pay your way into Dark Knight Rises. :p
I think my girl just broke up with me as if I was some utterly weak faggot. She's leaving to Poland tommorow and we "opened our relationship" (bunch of fucking cocksucking bullshit bags of dicks etc etc) so she can fucking suck some jewish polish christian retarded crippled fucking dicks one after another for simple excitement. I know I'm a boring person and I noticed she didn't like me anymore so I'm not going to cry about it or anything but this was one smooth fuck off. I don't want to imagine her hunting some polish village retards.

Now who should I fuck. Fucking badgers? Some dead hedgehog on a street? I'm not going to go looking for some dumb fucking women to have conversations with. They are all dicks. Who will I cuddle. How will I get drunk when I have no fucking money. That's another issue. Fucking sick of this shit.

Wow dude, that's ultimate brutality. I'm here for ya if ya wanna talk, my lad.

Tbh though, this girl don't mean shit, judging by your description. If she's gonna do something like that to you, she isn't worth it man. Isn't worth the anger, isn't worth any emotion really.
I think my girl just broke up with me as if I was some utterly weak faggot. She's leaving to Poland tommorow and we "opened our relationship" (bunch of fucking cocksucking bullshit bags of dicks etc etc) so she can fucking suck some jewish polish christian retarded crippled fucking dicks one after another for simple excitement. I know I'm a boring person and I noticed she didn't like me anymore so I'm not going to cry about it or anything but this was one smooth fuck off. I don't want to imagine her hunting some polish village retards.

Now who should I fuck. Fucking badgers? Some dead hedgehog on a street? I'm not going to go looking for some dumb fucking women to have conversations with. They are all dicks. Who will I cuddle. How will I get drunk when I have no fucking money. That's another issue. Fucking sick of this shit.

If you are hurting for beer money, I'll make a donation.

EDIT: Which reminds me, I never bought Dodens mag...fuck. I will do that first thing tomorrow morning.
What the fuck is wrong with you imbeciles. What fucking fund, fuck you. SomeGuyDude is a faggot, what the fuck. The Butt is an idiot that everybody laughs at and he acts like nothing's happening. D_T is okay because he wants to give me money that he won in street fights on cocaine which is somewhat cool but what the hell. You guys are fucking idiots.

You should fucking realize some things. SomeGuyDude, I fucking hate you. The_Butt, you're a funny idiot. Fuck you.
my homophobic roommate and a homophobic woman that thinks i'm sexy are going to chick-fil-a next door to see if there's really going to be any gay people making-out there,0,466706.story

the lock on my front door is broken so right now i'm bored out of my mind waiting for the maintenance guy to come fix it so i can start leaving the hotel room again

also, the maintenance guy never showed up even though the lock's already been broken for 3 days and my roommate is convinced the blue-haired guy broke the lock on purpose

my life is crazy
my homophobic roommate and a homophobic woman that thinks i'm sexy are going to chick-fil-a next door to see if there's really going to be any gay people making-out there
also, the maintenance guy never showed up even though the lock's already been broken for 3 days and my roommate is convinced the blue-haired guy broke the lock on purpose

right before my roommate and my female friend left i had to spend an hour and a half listening to the bitch to me about how my math sucks and how i shouldn't have children

and the blue-haired guy might have broken the lock after he had a big ass argument with my roommate and the cable just came back on after being out for a few days because of the guys fixing the roof accidently knocked off the satellite dish 2 days ago
excruciatingly mind-numbingly boring tedious shit about my 'crazy' life

Weird, just spent the last half hour trying to get access back to my email account. I woke up earlier and thought something was wrong when I couldn't access anything google related on my phone, but just chalked it up to sync being down or something server side.

I go to log into my gmail account and I get a message saying the account had been deleted...

Weird. Go through the recovery processes and finally got my account back, just wonder what the fuck caused this...
I'm really trying to fight off a bad case of butthurt. This one is a doozie.

Should I:

1. Cry and cut myself in the bathtub while smearing women's makeup on my face and calling my self a dirty whore.

~ or ~

2. Put on a Tapout t-shirt and pick a fight with a bunch of hipsters so I can feel like an alpha male and shit.
I'm really trying to fight off a bad case of butthurt. This one is a doozie.

Should I:

1. Cry and cut myself in the bathtub while smearing women's makeup on my face and calling my self a dirty whore.

~ or ~

2. Put on a Tapout t-shirt and pick a fight with a bunch of hipsters so I can feel like an alpha male and shit.

You own a Tapout shirt?