The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Drinking a cheap bottle of Vodka, which I paid for with quarters because quit my job. Anyways, I know this woman. She mentioned movies for me to watch, I got around to it late. I went to watch the movies on Netflix and could not find either. So I Txted her about it and she did not bother to respond. I figured out what am going to txt her tomorrow. I enjoy talking with her in person, but on the phone she just goes off into the moon. It kinda freaked me out a bit. I like women and stuff and always have, but what they will and can do leaves me just glad am alone. I would deff get on a couch with her and watch some movies. I think anyways. She's my fav.
Made coffee @ the office, boss is having a hushed classified phone call in his office with the door shut. The coffee maker is in there.

Today all I've eaten is an ice cream and a pizza. Perhaps I should go buy some potato chips and have some beers now while I'm at it. Vacation habits ftw!
Youtubing throatsinging and thinking about taking a shower. Maybe looking at nudie-pics is funnier :)
I crapped for the first time since the weekend today. Twice so far. Will probably go again.

Can probably chalk it up to not enough grease in my diet. Beer and wings last night = ALL SYSTEMS GO