The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I'm so bored I opened a fucking book about chemical substances. I need to make chemistry my passion so I don't fail it the third year. That would be embarassing. I should text someone and drink outside or something.
That is an inexcusably awful thing to say.

Jeremy, are you sure you want to keep posting about this stuff on the forum?
What makes you think *you* are the one to say whether Jeremy is ready to confront himself about something (or "man the fuck up", as you insensitively put it)? This was a pretty serious issue in his life if you recall, and maybe it should be the business of his family and professional help rather than the fucking Internet. There are some things in life that should not be judged under your "macho goggles".
zabu of nΩd;10403687 said:
What makes you think *you* are the one to say whether Jeremy is ready to confront himself about something (or "man the fuck up", as you insensitively put it)?

What does that even mean? I'm not in control of his life bro, all I can do type words on the internet, planting seeds if you will. It's up to him to pull himself out of this hole.


zabu of nΩd;10403687 said:
This was a pretty serious issue in his life if you recall, and maybe it should be the business of his family and professional help rather than the fucking Internet. There are some things in life that should not be judged under your "macho goggles".


He constantly posts about it on the internet, how do you think EVERYONE here knows about his issues? Aliens? da fuq. Don't get mad at me for responding to something on here as if I somehow connived my way into his personal life and exposed it for all to see on the internet.

And btw, manning the fuck up has nothing to do with machoism, at least in this case. So you're getting upset about nothing.
Messaged a cute "fat" girl on OKC. She wears it well and has a very nice face. I'm ugly as fuck so why should I be picky?

But yeah, no work due tomorrow, so I've been drinking mildly. Nice buzz going, but no wasted posts coming yet, unfortunately.
So my polish chick was in Prague for a day and then she left to Italy. I asked her if she wanted to meet after 3 weeks and she said "I don't need to". So now it's a month without even fucking seeing her. I consider that an official break-up so I went to pub with the neighbor chick yesterday and we were kissing after she got drunk. But she compared me to another guy who was there and said he was better looking. DAT HURTZ.

She is overally really straight with everything. No lying, no bullshit, no american drama. And she really likes me because I'm the same way. I always say everything I feel no matter what. I'm not sure I should hit it. She fucked my baseball friend twice and apart from the usual making out I don't think she wants to sleep with me. I messaged her anyway. The fact that I know her gives me like 1000 possibilities to flirt with her.

At least I'm having fun. Good old Prague.
Drinking a lot of water before I go to bed so I dont have a hangover tomorrow while listening to Dissection - Night's Blood.

EDIT: to Onder, yes.