The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Why the fuck is this even a question?...Does she have testicles?

I don't think so. My friend even said she was good in bed.

So I woke up. I live in 6th floor so I have a nice view outside and it's a beautiful morning. Listening to Dvořák and Respighi and having a tea. The chick doesn't respond but we live like 50 meters away and she's probably still asleep. It's the first time I'm thinking about actually fucking her ass although we were first making out when I was 17 or something. My eggs are boiling (No I'm really having two eggs for breakfast). L O L.
Why can't I still be in Prague. The women there are better looking and easier to talk to, even though they're kind of shy and sometimes have bad English.

Today is Derek's birthday. LOVE YOU DEREK.

PP started his new job today. Has his own office with his name on the door. Can't wait to destroy it.
just woke up a little while ago

went to go eat homeless people food last night, it was actually really good, it was egg rolls with Asian rice with small slivers of beef in it, and chocolate chip cookies with lemonade

grabbed 3 of those 6-pack things of bagels from the back wall shelf of bread, that should hold me till payday

while i was there i was flirting with this woman whose children are just a little older than me, she still looks young,(all her kids were born before she turned 20 and she's uses those anti-aging creams) and she wants me to rub baby oil all over her young-looking-naked-body next time she sees me

also while there, i saw this guy

the guy that actually filmed this video was there too, with his girlfriend
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What does that even mean? I'm not in control of his life bro, all I can do type words on the internet, planting seeds if you will. It's up to him to pull himself out of this hole.



He constantly posts about it on the internet, how do you think EVERYONE here knows about his issues? Aliens? da fuq. Don't get mad at me for responding to something on here as if I somehow connived my way into his personal life and exposed it for all to see on the internet.

And btw, manning the fuck up has nothing to do with machoism, at least in this case. So you're getting upset about nothing.

Great to know that as long as you don't "control someone's life" you don't have a problem insulting them while they're being treated for mental illness. I'm sure you'll help a lot of people that way.

Bottom line is that his posting about it on the forum exposes him to counterproductive advice from people with no professional experience on the matter. If you really want to help him, try exercising some self-control.
zabu of nΩd;10404092 said:
Great to know that as long as you don't "control someone's life" you don't have a problem insulting them while they're being treated for mental illness. I'm sure you'll help a lot of people that way.

Bottom line is that his posting about it on the forum exposes him to counterproductive advice from people with no professional experience on the matter. If you really want to help him, try exercising some self-control.

i agree that K R is being a jack-ass here
posting your problems online exposes yourself to advice
and maybe not all of it is counter-productive
maybe if everyone decided to give advice some of the advice might be helpful
"professional experience" might not be the best indicator of whether of not advice is helpful or not
do what you're comfortable with, follow the advice that makes sense to you, maybe a little trial-and-error to see what works and what doesn't
Zeph shouldn't need to blow all his fucking money on "professional help"
help should be free, and advice should be given out by people that actually want to help you
instead of people that are just taking all your money
or jack-asses that are just insulting you to make them feel better about themselves
Switched from being a vegetarian to a raw vegan a few months ago, and I can say, the sheer volume of excrement that gets pushed out of my asshole per day is astonishing.

Congratulations man!

I've been a vegetarian for awhile now and have been vegan since I moved to Maine. If you need some recipes I have a ton dude. Remember, supplements are important as well.

Good luck dude!
Thanks bro. Ive been vegan before, but never raw. As far as supplements go, I try to stay away unless its my last resort, Ive been pretty good to date...We can get everything we need from the right foods.
I'm happy to see another vegan member here.

Me too bro.

Ironically Ive met a lot of "unhealthy" vegans...A lot of overweight ones as well...Their fat content in their diet is fucking through the roof. Then again, people probably look at me with barely any fat in my diet and think Im gonna kick the bucket if I dont start eating some meat lol

When I get home I'll send you a link to download a Ebook my friend made, and even though its geared toward the raw/fruitarian, theres a wealth of information that anyone could benefit from, despite their dietary lifestyle.
Me too bro.

Ironically Ive met a lot of "unhealthy" vegans...A lot of overweight ones as well...Their fat content in their diet is fucking through the roof. Then again, people probably look at me with barely any fat in my diet and think Im gonna kick the bucket if I dont start eating some meat lol

That would be me man heh. I'm an ethical Vegan so my diet isn't really my main concern. I mean I'm 6'1 240 so it's not that bad but I could stand to lose 25-30 pounds. This has a lot to do with alcohol and exercise tho

Then again, people probably look at me with barely any fat in my diet and think Im gonna kick the bucket if I dont start eating some meat lol

I hear ya, I can't have a conversation about it with most people. Someone always mentions protein, fatty acids or vitamins and beats it to death with faulty evidence.

When I get home I'll send you a link to download a Ebook my friend made, and even though its geared toward the raw/fruitarian, theres a wealth of information that anyone could benefit from, despite their dietary lifestyle.

Sounds good, thx.
In the process of returning my PC desktop to normal after getting hit with some nasty malware. FBI Moneypak is no joke. IB4 "lol stopz watchin pr0n".