The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Submitting an abstract for a potential paper to deliver at a Classics graduate conference in Buffalo next month. Praying the gods it gets accepted. Going to be on tenterhooks till I hear back and I have no idea when that will be. The conference is in the middle of October so I assume it won't be too long.
I had like 5 nightmares during the night including having to do homewhork or being chased by a pitbull that was hungry because aliens ate its lunch.

EDIT: He got me and ripped my body into fucking pieces. I tried to jump over a car but the dog jumped way faster and grabbed me in the air and then as I was on the ground it ripped me into shit. I was glad because I didn't want to see the aliens that he was scared of. Then in other dream I lived in a spider den with my mother and I had to burn all the spiders with a flamethrower. But my mother said "you're making so many mistakes" and it pissed me off so I didn't burn them. I just let them go under our clothes and slowly ingest us.
Also I have sore throat and I hope I won't suffocate. I once choked on my own phlegm and it took me like 5 seconds to spill it on the ground. I thought I would die. Then we went to see the doctor with my parents and she stabbed my ass with a big fucking injection and I was like what the fuck bitch that doesn't make any sense.
We do eat half vegan/veg and half carnivore. I have a great book on raw vegan eating by Kimberly Snyder. Just can't fully commit to it.

I was just joshing, since raw vegan = no cooking. Most of the raw vegans I've met experience constant mental fog once the initial "high" of eating massive quantities of sugars wears off.
i have med doctor friends that work in hospitals
they tell me that vegans really frequently come into the ER as-sick-as-hell, not knowing what the fuck is wrong with themselves, and then it turns out that the vegans are suffering "severe nutrient deficiency" because they're not eating the nutrients found in meat

be careful about that, take vitamin pills

you guys aren't taking this ^^^ post seriously, despite how you guys keep talking about being vegan, seriously, you guys aren't worried about nutrient deficiency???
Fuck my captcha just asked me "Which one is math?" and I was like wat? One of the possible answers was elephant.

EDIT: It's getting harder.
According to 4chan, captchas are how Google is filling it's "googlebooks" library, i.e. you're slowly recreating classics like The Grapes of Wrath for them each time you fill out a captcha.
Anyway, I'm drunk as fuck, after drinking about a litre of Spaten Optimator at my local Oktoberfest. Now I'm going to smoke a cigarette and listen to some Morbid Saint.
Constantly checking my balance to see when my check comes in so I can create a more precise countdown for the next one.