The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Good call, smoking cigarettes will definitely improve your quality of life. Have fun getting lung disease and wasting a ton of money.
My friends have either gone back to uni or are otherwise occupied, I live in a small town where I have no friends (violin starts) and I'm going back to uni soon, in a city I loathe. Back to being a white minority again. Oh well, at least there will be more slavic women.

Krampus I sing you a song of many loves. My heart is a woeful duck of youth.
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Back from a run, just stuffed myself full of shrimp linguine in creamy vodka marinara fra diavolo with peas, about to spend the rest of the night reading journal articles.
I'm thirsty. I know that if I go to pub now it will take me 40 minutes to drink 3 beers and then I will be happier than ever. Same as yesterday. I just stood there alone and enjoyed it.
I wish drinking alone was more socially acceptable in this country.

That's typically Northern European. Fredrik Lindström theorizes that Sweden is a "do-culture" (as opposed to a "be-culture"). You need a reason to do anything, and unless you socialize, you don't have a reason to drink. If you sit alone on a park bench in Sweden, you're seen as a weirdo unless you're reading or have some other specific reason to be sitting there. You can't just be sitting there for the sake of it.
England is a bit like that, but probably only because of ultra judgemental young women who have creepradars that set off if it takes somebody too long to say something, if someone is on their own at any given moment in time or if someone does something for reasons other than trying to get into a woman's vagina.