The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

You people are the ones I'd like to drink with. Why is that always the case? I am too much of a pussy to approach people I don't know in the pub, yet if they turned out to be half as hospitable as most of the people on this board, I'd have a great time.
laughing my ass off at this guy who apparently has way too much freaking time on his hands

You people are the ones I'd like to drink with. Why is that always the case? I am too much of a pussy to approach people I don't know in the pub, yet if they turned out to be half as hospitable as most of the people on this board, I'd have a great time.

Come to MDF. Even people with a record for being annoying online are given a clean slate when we meet up in person.
I agree with Zeph. More people from UM at MDF the better!

Just got back from a run...Im trying to incorporate a daily run into my life and this is day 01.

God damn I need to quit smoking, my lungs felt like they were going to implode in my chest 5 minutes in :(
zabu of nΩd;10416025 said:
Looks like my birth certificate ordeal will be at an end soon, thus allowing me to apply for a new passport and get out of the U.S. by the end of October.

In the mean time, i'm rather frustrated over my lack of progress in coordinating with a cousin of mine i wanted to assist in the restructuring of a retail store his mom owns. They've been steadily losing profit/customers for a while, and i want to try to be a hero without busting my ass too hard. Problem is that the cousin doesn't want to cut any extra time out of his day to train me, so in order to have a real meeting with him i have to show up there at 7 fucking A.M. when he opens the store, which truly is too hardcore for my insomniac ass to manage right now. So it's frustrating to watch this cool opportunity i have jeopardized by my being a pussy.

Probably going to visit a friend of mine in Las Vegas next month before i go abroad. We were major college buddies, and we both have a touch of entrepreneurial spirit. I want to see if we can put our heads together over a couple weeks and come up with something interesting to do.

Yes, a touch of entrepreneurial spirit.
I agree with Zeph. More people from UM at MDF the better!

Just got back from a run...Im trying to incorporate a daily run into my life and this is day 01.

God damn I need to quit smoking, my lungs felt like they were going to implode in my chest 5 minutes in :(

Time to switch to e-cigarettes. Painless changeover. I know I sound like one of those cavemen raving about Paleo diets but switching to vaping instead of smoking has allowed me to get waaaay more in shape lungs-wise! I have been over 2 months without a smoke.