The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I've made a firm decision about something VERY important tonight.

I have been with my company a year next month. I get 1 week vacation time then, and I have to decided to not use and get paid for it instead. Then I will save that money because in January I get another week vacation. I will use some of those days for MDF 2013. Period.

I am 100% for sure god damned going to MDF this time. God damn it.
I'm in school, FAPPZ faculty third floor. There are loads of girls everywhere. It's a first day of school. I'm thinking about buying a notebook so i can write notes. It's been a while since I've done this.
I just bought a little fucking notebook and I will write biochemistry notes like a fucking nerd. The emount of female flesh around me is ridiculous. A lot of them have fat asses but I don't mind.
You should also take notes of these "fat asses". I love me some big fat bootay!

I grew fond of larger abdomen show-off aswell. Or how it's tightly stuffed in fabric as if a big bang was coming to rip the jeans from inside and show the true nature of things - happy panties full of squeezing material. These bums need some fresh air to breathe I would personally free them I don't know what's the fucking problem.
I just ate shitload of mushrooms and some flesh of pigs. I'm starting to feel little shitty. My polish hybrid wants to see me tomorrow which is strange.
Doing research for a presentation on Friday; the topic is the Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre. Fascinating stuff; I'm primarily looking at the pamphlets and treatises that began circulating in the wake of the massacre, which were mostly incendiary condemnations of Catherine de Medici. Discourses on kingship and tyrannicide abound during this time, and it's really interesting to see how Catholics and Protestants approach the issue (and the rhetoric they use to make their claims). Finally, I also have to discuss the English perception of the massacre, and how it manifests in contemporary literature. After all, the class is "Succession and Early Modern Tragedy".
Re-reading all the Greek I've read so far this semester (pretty much everything from Homer to Aeschylus) for a midterm Friday. So far I've done the assigned passages from the Iliad, the Odyssey and from Hesiod. Next two days will be lyric poetry, Presocratic philosophy, Pindar and early tragedy.

Also for fun trying to create some sort of diagram of the emperor Julian's Neoplatonic cosmos.
My boss has pinkeye. I hope I don't get it. My eyes are itching just thinking about it!

I met a girl a couple months back, and she had me come over one morning. We were gonna get our hump on, but before anything went down I asked her why she didn't go to work that day. She said because she had pink eye. I was like "you're all over me with fucking PINK EYE!? The hell is wrong with you?". I left. Refused to talk to her since. She's lucky I didn't get it. I almost had to pimp slap her over that. What a bitch.