The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

That fool needs to step off the pedestal and eat some god damn free food. I used to have money too, and when I did, I fed people. Even now that I dont have money, whatever I have, I share because food is sacred to me. The act of sharing a meal with another human being is one of the most overlooked activities in American society, and its a damn shame.

It's because we are so hideously oversaturated with shit "food" - enter: freegans
Underwear in general is not very comfortable.

that's why i never wear any

That fool needs to step off the pedestal and eat some god damn free food. I used to have money too, and when I did, I fed people. Even now that I dont have money, whatever I have, I share because food is sacred to me. The act of sharing a meal with another human being is one of the most overlooked activities in American society, and its a damn shame.

i think he's kinda in denial about how broke he really is

it's like he's playing head games with himself

in addition to refusing to eat the free food, i ended up being his roommate, because he needed a roommate, because he decided that he didn't want to live in a place that his disability check could afford by itself, because he "doesn't want to live in the ghetto"

so now, even though i am now spliting the rent 50/50 with someone, my-half-of-the-rent is still eating up as much of my disability check as the amount that i was paying when i was living al by myself
This concept is completely foreign to me...Is it a trust issue? Like "Did someone fucked with the food?"...Or is it like a "I can buy my own food!" sorta thing...?

If we were friends and you were over at my house, and I made some bomb ass food and offered it to you, what would be the issue?

it's not the "did somebody fuck with the food" thing
it's the whole "used to be rich" thing
the free food i'm describing is being given out by churchgroups
lots of it is factory-sealed packages of Frito-Lay chips/Little Debbie snack cakes, unopened cans/20-once bottles of sodas etc etc

the whole "food being poisoned" thing is not really an issue, it's just that he doesn't want a hand-out because it makes him feel like a looser when he can't pay for his food
Pretty fucking stoner. Listening to the first Black Pyramid album. I fucking love this, been spinning it a lot lately.
I have both their albums and I love them. I'll post some songs for the lazy people:

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Dude thanks WAIF for that. This is DOPE as hell no pun intended

I am in a REALLY GOOD MOOD despite being bogged down with work stress.
I missed some important intro class due to sheer lack of organisation and common sense. Oh well. My friend has sorted me out.

Seeing some girl tonight. I think at some point I want to get a job in Eastern Europe. The whole woman front is just a lot better for me there, for various reasons. I know that sounds simple minded, but it is nice having a beautiful girlfriend.
Stoned as fuck. Finally getting around to listening to the new Morbid Angel. Well...the last one. I'm really liking what I'm hearing. Definitely very very different from their usually approach, but I dig it. It's kind of a death metal approach to techno. Obviously not for everyone, but I think it's a really cool experiment.